Showing 82 Result(s)
Tarland, Chasing Daylight, Scotland Walks, Aberdeenshire

Chasing Daylight in Tarland, Scotland

I will forever remember it as one of the loveliest walks of our entire time in Scotland. It was Taido’s birthday weekend and we talked Ben and Simon into getting out for a longer day so we drove a little further than usual (over an hour) and hiked a little further than usual (over 10 …

Speyside Sistas, Speyside Way, Macs Adventure, Whisky Trail

Snapshots of the Speyside Sistas

The spring and summer months are so full around our house that sometimes I move from one event to the next without fully processing the first one. That is a little bit how it was to go from the Speyside Way in the middle of May to the Camino at the beginning of June. But …

Castle Closed, Scotland, Security, Chino House

Speyside Way Stories: Castle Closed

Excuse me, miss, can I help you? I knew I was in trouble by the tone of his voice, but I was buying time. Um, no, actually, I don’t think so. I answered meekly. He came back with, What are you doing, exactly? Me: Well, we’re just walking down this road. (stating the obvious) And, …

Cragganmore House, Speyside Way, Speyside Sistas, Macs Adventure

Speyside Way Stories: Trail Mum

We had expected to be at the end of the day’s walk by 5pm. We got an early start on our fifteen mile day, heading out under blue skies that promised to turn rainy later in the afternoon. We reached our highest point before lunch. All downhill from here, I thought. Piece of cake. I …

Cairngorms, Highlands, Scotland March Walks, Snapshots of Scotland

Snapshots of Scotland: March Walks

Walking in Scotland throughout the Month of March  We spent the first weekend of March in London, but since then, we have gotten out for forest walks every Saturday in March. Additionally one Wednesday, I went with a couple of friends to do a local coastal walk. I think getting outside has gotten me through …

Chasing Daylight, Arbroath, Scotland, Cliff Walking

Chasing Daylight in Arbroath, Scotland

“Well, this is some family hike!” Ben was indignant from the back seat that the family hike we had been planning for over a week for our Valentine’s Day outing was being missed by two members of our family. Somehow the perfectly reasonable 10am leaving time had become not-so-reasonable to everyone involved, the result being …

Winter Wakling, Scotland, Aberdeenshire

Winter Walking in Scotland

Back in December, we were living with just under six hours of daylight. Miraculously, I actually had a friend visit during this dark season, so one day we made the most of what we had to work with and took off to Royal Deeside for a walk in Glen Tanar. It was meant to be …

Sunrise in Aberdeen, Chasing Daylight, Scotland

Snapshots of a Sunrise in Aberdeen

Cole and Taido both got up with me to watch the sunrise last Saturday. Bundled into all my layers, a tumbler full of coffee in one hand and my camera in the other, I hopped in the car and rode in the dark silence down to the beach. Bracing for the cold, we walked right …

A Walk to the Store

A Walk to the Store (47/48)

One of the starkest changes that moving to Scotland has brought to my life involves the way I do grocery shopping. I used to make a couple of trips to the store per week in addition to one large shopping trip to my neighborhood Sam’s club. With my current kitchen and appliance sizes, buying in …

Craigievar Castle, Scotland, Aberdeenshire

A Walk near Craigievar Castle {Scotland} (42/48)

Our summer went by really fast and we got to do so much that I have almost forgotten some of my favorite days. Slow days in Scotland with friends and family. Like this one, when we Sarabeth was in town and we went to Craigievar Castle, a place in Aberdeenshire that may have inspired the …

Scotland, Aberdeenshire, Heather, 48walks

An August Walk in Aberdeenshire Scotland (40/48)

August in Aberdeenshire Scotland I’m finding that looking back at my summer walks is a wonderful antidote to dark gray winter days in Aberdeen. This August day spent wandering the Shire was glorious. The skies were blue. The heather was in bloom. The kids were happy. Well, the kids that came were happy. (We left …