A Walk to the Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye {Scotland} (39/48)

Fairy Pools Isle of Skye

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How can you not want to go somewhere called The Fairy Pools? Right?

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The Fairy Pools are essentially just a series of waterfalls and places where the water has gathered along this stream that runs at the foot of The Black Cuillin Mountains.

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You can walk for a long time up the stream and every few feet is another little spot to stop and watch the water run over the rocks and through the golden fields that stretch through the valley.

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We took our picnic lunch to the Fairy Pools and climbed down to sit near the water.

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We had the most amazing weather while we were on the Isle of Skye in October, so we spent every possible minute outside.

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We had been warned that the weather can be dreadful, so we were prepared, but we were treated to nonstop gorgeous golden light instead of grey mists.

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Skye actually means clouds or mist in Gaelic so we were super fortunate. We hear that usually the Isle of Skye is true to its name and covered in clouds.

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But I think these Fairy Pools would be magical in any weather. I would love to see them on a misty day too.

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The kids had loads of fun with this walk. Cole and Ben climbed up the stream from down by the water while the rest of us walked the trail along the side. They both ended up wet but there were no complaints.

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Our three nights on the Isle of Skye went by way too fast. Hopefully we’ll be back soon!