Showing 58 Result(s)
Lemon Trees in Tuscany

Smells Lost and Found

Learning to Smell Again after losing my sense of taste and smell from Covid. It’s been three months since my Covid test came back positive. In an attempt to write about the experience of having Coronavirus, I have been reviewing my journals. And dear goodness, there were some dark moments in there. I don’t think …

Far From Home

Far From Home

Yesterday I told a story about being far from home. Like many others, I have been closely following the stories Syrian refugees who are far from home for much harder reasons than I am. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be heading to London today to attend an event with World Vision that will …

Chasing Daylight in November, Scotland, Outdoor Challenges

Chasing Daylight in November

Y’all, the sun will set today at 4:07pm. The weather this time of year in Scotland hurts my feelings. Many days we don’t see the sun at all but just varying shades of gray. Or grey. Then the gray fades to black before you know it. Now that we have been through two winters in …

Carve A Heart, World Vision

Carve a Heart

#CarveAHeart As a little something different this year, Simon and I carved hearts into our pumpkins in partnership with World Vision. Because Halloween is a night of “scary fun,” for my kiddos, it’s an easy time to talk about what it’s like for children all over the world to be in fear. Simon is really …

Chasing Daylight October

Chasing Daylight in October

The first year we were in Scotland I was a little puzzled to discover that the schools have a two week holiday in October. It seems like a strange time of year to be out of school and the weather is often less than ideal. But now we have embraced this yearly hold over from …

Tune My Heart Poster, Come Thou Fount, Watercolor

Tune My Heart

Hi friends, A couple of weeks ago we sang Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing in church, a song which I have long loved. It has always been my sister’s favorite hymn, and lately it is Mary Polly’s as well. The phrase “prone to wander” always grabs me, but this time around I held to …

Ephesians 3:20, Watercolor Verses

Ephesians 3:20

Just popping in today with a little poster of a verse I painted to send to Cole at camp this week. I mentioned last Friday that Ephesians 3:20 is the verse I’m praying for our family and for our world right now, and I always find it helpful to have a little visual reminder. You can download …

Chasing Daylight September, Chino House

Chasing Daylight in September

Happy September, y’all! I wrote “Birthday Walk” on my challenge this month because in addition to the fact that it is my birthday month, September is a month I celebrate the births of many people that I love a lot, including my mama, my hubs, my sis-in-law and some sweet friends. The weather turned cold here last …

Afraid Brave Courage, Poster, Quotes, Lettering

A Little Courage

I received an email from a reader referencing an old post I wrote about hearing Brene Brown talk about fear. I wrote it when I was getting ready to move overseas and I was feeling very afraid. It was so good for me to re-read it that I decided to paint these words again to …

Chasing Daylight in August

Chasing Daylight in August

Friends! The end of the summer is upon us! I lament the end of this season every single year, and it’s gotten worse since we moved to Scotland because of the horrible dread of the shorter days around the corner. So instead of nursing my melancholy that the best of 2015 is behind me, I’m …

Six Months of Chasing Daylight

I really can’t believe it but 2015 is half over already. What even? The way time moves so. very. fast. is part of why I love doing these monthly outdoor challenges, because even if the month is over before I blink, I can still look back on these cards and my days of walking and …

Chasing Daylight, Chino House, Outdoor Challenges

Chasing Daylight in July

Chasing Daylight in July should not be hard. The days are long and the walking opportunities abound! We are currently in the Lake District and later this month, we will spend a week on the Kintyre Peninsula (West Coast of Scotland), so I hope to wrack up the steps on my FitBit and discover some new …

Chasing Daylight, Grand Adventure, Outdoor Challenges

Chasing Daylight in June

If you’ve been around here a while, you might remember that I love to plan small adventures. Extraordinary days of exploring the world around me.

But every once in a while, I want to go on what I like to call: A Grand Adventure!

Chasing Daylight Challenges

Chasing Daylight in May

I’m so happy that it’s MAY!!! Last May was a dreamy combination of spring and sunshine! And even the rainy days were welcome for the crazy color they turn everything around here. I LOVED walking St Cuthbert’s Way last May with Macs Adventure, so this year I am doing The Speyside Way, which is a …

Chasing Daylight in April

Chasing Daylight in April

It’s a new month! And time for a new outdoor challenge! April will be all about city walks for the Chinos. My days (and Instagram feed) will be filled with some fun new-to-me cities this month! We’re off to Amsterdam for the first week of Easter holidays and then later in the month we will …

In The Pipeline: 8 Year Blogaversary

How’s your week been, folks? We’re excited to be officially in  spring. Even though the temperatures are not dramatically warmer, there is a noticeable difference in the landscape. Daffodils are starting to bloom and hyacinths are pushing up from the ground. I love this time of year. Only two more weeks of school for our …

Chasing Daylight, March Challenge, Outdoors

Chasing Daylight in March

Happy March! I’m always happy to say goodbye to February and this year is no exception. March may bring the spring rains, but it also brings daffodils and longer days. This month’s challenge is to walk somewhere you would normally drive. I already walk a lot of places, so I’m going to push myself to …