In The Pipeline: 8 Year Blogaversary

How’s your week been, folks?

We’re excited to be officially in  spring. Even though the temperatures are not dramatically warmer, there is a noticeable difference in the landscape. Daffodils are starting to bloom and hyacinths are pushing up from the ground. I love this time of year.

Only two more weeks of school for our Easter Holidays. (We get two weeks off!) We’re meeting my mother-in-law in Amsterdam for the first week and then my mama arrives the second. #SuperExcited


I received this notification on my phone from WordPress this week and it made me smile.

Eight years is a long time to be regularly doing anything so I had a little celebration with myself (tea + chocolate) and had a look back over the archives of this crazy website.

Whenever I look back at my life I tend to become a little discouraged at how little I have grown or accomplished or progressed, but this time I am choosing to be encouraged that despite a LOT of changes in the last few years, I am very much the same person as I always have been.

There’s something to be said for consistency right?

Every five years or so I look back on my life and have a good laugh.

Indigo Girls

I still sound just like this at the end of a bad day.

I still make this salad whenever I want something more fancy than peanut butter for lunch.

I still make this soup when I don’t feel much like cooking. And this one when the pantry’s a bit bare.

I still get angry and I still go to this same friend with my parenting questions.

I still laugh at this story.

I still love Ash Wednesday.

And I still love to go for walks.

And it’s not just true for me. My husband is also still this guy. My boys still love The Lord of the Rings and my girl still loves to read.

So here’s to blogging and for how it can remind us who we are and make us look forward to many more years of writing down stories. 

Thank you so much for coming along and reading mine!


  1. Congratulations on your eight years… I am so loving the link backs!!!

    1. Thank you so much! That’s lovely of you to say. 🙂 And thanks so much for reading!! 🙂

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