I received an email from a reader referencing an old post I wrote about hearing Brene Brown talk about fear.
I wrote it when I was getting ready to move overseas and I was feeling very afraid.
It was so good for me to re-read it that I decided to paint these words again to remind myself that when I am feeling afraid, I can still be brave.
Because two years into living in Scotland, guess what?
I’m still afraid.
I’m afraid of the dark. I’m afraid of another winter. I’m afraid of the heartache of living so far from those I love. I’m afraid of what’s next. I’m afraid of not knowing what’s next. I’m afraid of the heartbreak I will have over leaving new folks I love. I’m afraid of what’s next for my children. I’m afraid of watching their hearts break.
I’m still very afraid.
And just like two years ago, I’m still taking life just one little bit at a time.
Index card lists with small dreams for everyday sacred days I want to have with my people here.
Loving big even though I know it will keep breaking my heart.
I’m trying to be brave as I begin Year 3 of our Life in Scotland.
And just in case you are needing a little reminder too, you can actually download the scanned version of this painting.
Hang it on your wall as a little present from me.
Imperfect courage.
Smeared ink and all.
[…] inspired by other friends’ practice of expressing beautiful truths in watercolor and other media (Alison and Jeanetta) – and decide to post her own, primitively written piece of […]