Chasing Daylight in August

Chasing Daylight in August

Chasing Daylight in August

Friends! The end of the summer is upon us!

I lament the end of this season every single year, and it’s gotten worse since we moved to Scotland because of the horrible dread of the shorter days around the corner.

So instead of nursing my melancholy that the best of 2015 is behind me, I’m going to give a little energy to planning (at least) one very lovely day in August.

Before school starts, we will spend one more day outside. With friends.

And even though it won’t really be perfect and it will probably rain and the temperature might not even hit 60 degrees, it will still be one more glorious memory for the books.

So if you feel like joining me in a refusal to even glance at school supplies and uniforms, tell me what would your perfect end-of-summer outing look like?

1 Comment

  1. This is a good reminder to get out more! I love how long the days are now. It would do to remember to take advantage while I can!

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