Summer is Good

We’ve only been out of school for a week, but we are in the thick of summer for sure!  Even though this much activity makes me a little nervous, I am trying to adjust, hang on tight and enjoy the ride because I know it will all be over in a few short weeks.

We really have had an Amazing First Week of Summer!

Here it is in pictures:summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

We joined the summer reading program!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

which means we get loads of little plastic toys!  YES!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

and we filled our baskets with books!

We went to see UP with our cousins and Grandjules, and we ALL LOVED IT!  Go see it!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, baby bunny

We went to see our friends, Michael and Sandy Boultinghouse which is always a delight!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

All the boys got their crazies out!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

And Mary Polly got her animal fix.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, fishing

Sandy helped everyone with bait, while Michael coached Taido on the best spots to cast.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, fishing

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, fishing

You might need your magnifying glass to see the fish Simon caught!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

Plenty of room.  Plenty of time.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

This pavilion is one of my favorite places on earth to spend an afternoon.  Michael built it and is always improving on it.  He has plans for adding a smoker to the back.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

Sunshine makes me sleepy.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

Everyone gets a turn to stand in the hole and crank the ice cream at the Boultinghouses!

Note the lip in the concrete so all the melted ice drains off the pavilion!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

The fish we caught is on the grill!  Thank you Michael and Sandy for a wonderful meal and a lovely day!

After the relaxing day at the  Boultinghouses, we were all geared up for our church’s 25th anniversary party!  Highlights of the day included Cole’s singing in the youth choir and Ben’s being baptized by Taido, and in the same swimming pool where both Taido and I were baptized a long, long time ago.  Thankfully, Whitney got pictures of both events.

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, kids choir
photo by whitney loibner
summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, kids choir
photo by whitney loibner
summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, kids choir
photo by whitney loibner
summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, baptism
photo by whitney loibner
summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, baptism
photo by whitney loibner
ben's baptism
photo by whitney loibner
summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, baptism, pool baptism
photo by whitney loibner

On Monday, Cole and Taido left for D Camp, while the rest of us stayed behind and slowed down…our lower key events this week included:

summer's first harvest

collecting our first summer harvest!

(Actually, on the garden front, I’ve been engaged in an all out war with the bugs…more on my obsessing over little tiny bugs later!)

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

a trip to the pool in the cool of the morning (80 degrees here in arkansas)

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities

playing with the coolest paper dolls EVER, ordered for us by our Aunt Whit!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, kids chore chart

making a NEW and IMPROVED summer chore chart!

summer is good, amazing first week of summer, summertime activities, pie

and a HOMECOMING blackberry pie for our campers who came back home today!  They are very tired, but maybe after they are rested up, we’ll hear all about camp!



  1. Makes me happy that today is our last day of school! Looks like you had a beautiful week! Emily saw MP’s name on the summer chart at the library yesterday when we signed up! I don’t have red ‘matos yet, only green bitty ones.

  2. Can I just say, that is a SWEET chore chart.

  3. I am cooking the raspberry bars right now and they smell divine! Mmmmm….I love your recipes! Each stage with kids is so different- and fun-and a learning experience for all. Voting works sometimes. Or everyone (including YOU) write down an acitivity and pick from the jar. Sounds like first grade, huh? 🙂

  4. Looks like this was the perfect start into this summer! Nice pictures!

    I’ll watch “Up”, I’m sure. But in Austria, I’ve to wait till September (!) for watching it in the cinemas.

  5. […] Friday evening, Whitney took Taido and me to one of our favorite places along with many of our favorite delights to do a photo shoot that was so uniquely […]

  6. […] can feel my blood pressure dropping as I drive out to my friend’s house in the country. I take the exit and head north on an old highway surrounded by fields of yellow […]

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