Showing 92 Result(s)
The Beginning of Leaving

The Beginning of Leaving

It’s Thursday night and I’m waiting to hear that Cole’s plane made it to Chicago. I’m wanting to know if he’ll make his connection to Little Rock. I’m praying he will clear customs in time. I’m hoping he will find his way through a large airport. I’m waiting to hear. But really, I’m waiting for …

Cairngorms, Highlands, Scotland March Walks, Snapshots of Scotland

Snapshots of Scotland: March Walks

Walking in Scotland throughout the Month of March  We spent the first weekend of March in London, but since then, we have gotten out for forest walks every Saturday in March. Additionally one Wednesday, I went with a couple of friends to do a local coastal walk. I think getting outside has gotten me through …

A Story about Making New Friends

A Story about Making New Friends “Hi, I’m Flea.” she said as she sat down next to me in the airport. “Hi! I’ve been so excited to meet you! I’m Alison.” “And this is Simon.” “Simon, can you say hello?” “Hi.” (small quiet voice) I’ve mentioned before that Simon and I are introverts. In fact …

A Story about a 1D Concert

  A Story about a 1D Concert Some things in this world just have to be experienced rather than enjoyed. Even though I love being outdoors, I can also admit that a long day of climbing can be rough. Especially if it is raining. But rough days both build and reveal our character. And often …

A Story about Simon, Walking with Children

A Story about Simon

A Story about Simon Simon is growing up so fast that sometimes I forget how much he still has to learn. Being the youngest means he is constantly trying to keep up with the older three. In fact, even though he is almost eight, he has just discovered all the Disney movies. He fell in …

Roseberry Topping Walk, Walking with Children, North Yorkshire, North York Moors

Roseberry Topping Walk (13/48)

Climbing Roseberry Topping in North Yorkshire, England for #13 of #48walks I noticed a subtle difference between walking in North Yorkshire and walking in Aberdeenshire. The air was just a few degrees warmer and the fields a slightly brighter shade of green. The kids and I found this walk that was just a few miles …

A Story about Cole, Walking with Children

A Story about Cole

 A Story about Cole Hello, Mom? I’m in trouble and I need you to come pick me up. As a mom, you know you might get this phone call one day, but it still surprises you that first time it happens. Cole is my first child. I have strong memories of his nights as a …

Tyrebagger Walk, #48walks, Scotland, Forest

Walking Tyrebagger Forest 4/48

It is amazing how wonderful it is to see the sunshine after it has been clouded over for days and days! [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”DSCF0594.JPG” ] We drug the boys out on Saturday morning because the rain came back later in the day. It was cold and muddy but it was so wonderful …

Hiking In Scotland With Kids, Bennachie in October, Back O Bennachie

Hiking In Scotland: Bennachie

We’ve made a couple of trips now to hike in an area called Bennachie that is only about a 30 minute drive from Aberdeen. The countryside around our city is referred to as Aberdeenshire, so we are quite fond of saying, Let’s head out to the shire today! or Come on y’all, we’re going to …

Diary Of A Mosquito, World Malaria Day, Compassion International

Diary Of A Mosquito

Today we are teaming up with Compassion International for World Malaria Day, to bring awareness to the fact that half of the world’s population, 3.3 billion people are at risk for malaria. Ben and Simon got involved to help me create a Diary Of A Mosquito. Some of my kids favorite picture books are the …