Riverfront Park, St. Louis, Old Courthouse, One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis, Gateway Arch

Snapshots of a Rainy Day In St. Louis

Recently, I mentioned that we spent One Rainy Day in St. Louis.

We have wanted to go to the St. Louis Zoo for a while now, but we planned our activities in the car while we drove, knowing it was probably going to rain all day.  So we had to skip the zoo, but we still had a great day.  Here’s what we did.

1. We got up early and drive straight to the St. Louis Arch. We LOVED walking through the Riverfront Park, even in the rain.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

This well designed park seems like the perfect place to spend an afternoon.  The dogwoods were especially gorgeous, and they surround ponds full of ducks and geese.  The walkway runs along the great Mississippi River on both sides of the Gateway Arch.

2. The Arch wasn’t open yet so we went across the street to the Old Courthouse.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, Old Courthouse, One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

The kids thoroughly explored this building.  The stairs go all the way up to great views of the dome, which is painted with portraits of presidents.  There’s also an exhibit on the history of St. Louis, as well as a couple of films.

We watched one about St. Louis’ role in the Civil War.  Union soldiers were fighting a battle with troops from Arkansas.  Simon was rooting for Arkansas to win until I explained that actually, Arkansas fought on the wrong side of that war.  He was aghast to learn that his home state had fought to keep slavery and later told Taido that he didn’t like Arkansas anymore.

3. After the Courthouse, we went back to The Gateway Arch.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, Old Courthouse, One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis, Gateway Arch

I had been up in the Arch before so I volunteered to stay with Simon, who did NOT want to go up that high, while Taido and the big kids went up in it.  Mary Polly did not enjoy it (scary!), but Taido and Ben thought it was super cool.  They took lots of great pictures from way high up!  There are some great exhibits in the visitor center at the bottom of the Arch, so Simon and I explored those.  We picked up a scavenger hunt sheet for jr. rangers and found everything on the page.

4. Next up, Trader Joe’s.

Trader Joe's in St. Louis

We don’t have one in Little Rock. So you understand.

We also picked up lunch here, and the kids picked out treats to take home.

5. Next, there was the City Museum.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, City Museum , One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

We have heard about this museum from several friends, so we were excited to explore this crazy place.  It is really a giant playground made of all kinds of recycled materials from old buildings.  Impressive tunnels run throughout the building, which is several floors high.  Because of the rain and some renovations, the outside slides and roof were closed, so we only explored the inside.  Mary Polly and Ben were game for going all through the tunnels and caves, but Simon mostly stuck to the tables and tables of art supplies.  We also enjoyed the mini circus and another room full of wooden ramps.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, City Museum , One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

Side note: I probably would not go back to this museum on a rainy Saturday, because the tunnels were super crowded. However, I still climbed about one million stairs though to do the 10 story slide, almost all in the dark. Crazytown!

6. My family obliged my desire to see the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis , One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

This cathedral boasts the largest mosaic installation in the world.  So beautiful! Inside and out.

7. Last, but not least, we stopped for the FREE tour of the Anheuser-Busch Brewery.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, anheuser busch brew house , One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

We stopped and did this just because it was on so many lists of things to do in St. Louis and because it was free!  I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.  The whole process of how beer is made and aged was very fascinating to me.  The kids were not as enthralled as me, but they enjoyed seeing the Clydesdales, riding the tour trolley and getting free sodas at the end.  Adults get to choose two beers from twelve different varieties.  I loved trying one that was made with Honeycrisp apples! Yum.

Riverfront Park, St. Louis, One Rainy Day In St. Louis, things to do in St. Louis

We had a great rainy day in St. Louis, and now we are excited to go back and visit in the sunshine!  What’s on your list of great things to do in this fun town?

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  1. I really enjoy St. Louis. My family went for a football game and I walked around downtown. I spent most of my time in the park reading my book and talking to my sister on the phone. It was a lovely day. You should go back for the fall leaves. We also really enjoyed The Hill. We ate some great Italian food and shopped in an Italian market.

    1. Thanks so much for these recs! I would definitely love to spend more time in the park on a sunny day!

  2. Hey Alison! Keith and I took a quick trip to St Louis a few weeks ago and had a great time, too. We ate at some yummy spots! Bailey’s Range was a really cool burger joint with the neatest combos and awesome cocktails. The decor was vintage farmhouse, too, which I loved. I can’t wait to go back to this place! We went to a Cards game and afterwards headed to the top of the Hilton next door to 360 bar – it has a full view of the city from all sides. This would be a great spot to go with kids to snack on their truffle popcorn in the afternoon before it revs up for late night. We also did the Budweiser tour and loved it. It’s great to have some fun cities within driving distance!

    1. Very fun! I will keep these in mind for sure on our next visit! I would love to go see the view from the top of the Hilton! Thanks Kendall!

  3. Hi! New to your blog, enjoying looking around and seeing your Arkansas family life. Arkansas is so under-rated, love it so much!
    Also love St. Louis! Spent my birthday there two years ago and had the best birthday ever. The zoo, the Hill for lunch @ Amighetti’s (the Amighetti’s special sandwich is to live for!) and then gelato @ gelato di riso, actually once on the Hill and then once @ the Central W. End location that night, so indulgent! Love Forest Park, it’s just one of the world’s lovely places.
    Anyway, those are my tip top picks from a city I love so much!

    1. Thanks so much, Rachel! I too LOVE Arkansas! These are great St. Louis recommendations. We’ll have to go back soon. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

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