Homemade Insect Repellent

When the temperatures warm up, the bugs come out to play, but we still want to be outside!  Solution: Homemade Insect Repellent!

Homemade Insect Repellent, #soy, #Bean2Blog, Natural Remedies

When I was out in the garden last week, I tried some homemade insect repellent that my friend, Sandy, had made.  I loved the way it smelled, so I asked her for the recipe and made some for my family.

Turns out, it is super easy to make your own all natural homemade insect repellent!  Try it!

Homemade Insect Repellent, #soy, #Bean2Blog, Natural Remedies

Sandy used olive oil in hers, but I used soy oil because I am taking my bottle with me to learn about soybeans today!  Also, I think the soy oil has a longer shelf life.

Homemade Insect Repellent

{Printable Version}


1 cup water, boiled then cooled

1 cup witch hazel

1 teaspoon soy oil

10-20 drops of essential oils

I used tea tree and lavender, but rosemary or citronella oil would also be great bug deterrents.

Mix all the ingredients in a measuring cup with a spout and pour into spray bottles.  Gently shake before using.  Spray freely and enjoy being outside!

PS. I am at #Bean2Blog today at P. Allen Smith’s Farm.  You can keep up with the Moss Mountain Farm happenings today on Twitter by following the hashtag.  More uses for soy products and soy recipes forthcoming!!


  1. […] Oh and while you’re outside, you might want to fight off the bugs with your own Homemade Insect Repellent! […]

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