Bean2Blog 2013 with P. Allen Smith
I had such a wonderful time at Bean2Blog 2013 with P. Allen Smith and the Arkansas Soybean Promotional Board.
I'm just trying to walk myself home.
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I had such a wonderful time at Bean2Blog 2013 with P. Allen Smith and the Arkansas Soybean Promotional Board.
Getting Back To Your Roots I can feel my blood pressure dropping as I drive out to my friend’s house in the country. I take the exit and head north on an old highway surrounded by fields of yellow wildflowers and cardboard signs for fresh picked strawberries. Sandy, along with her husband Michael, live in …
Today I am super excited, because we are introducing our first Chino House Family Video: Family Cycling The Story Behind Our Video Simon and I frequently watch a sweet series of videos that Gabrielle Blair of Design Mom introduced of her family called Olive Us. (If you’ve never seen one, watch How To Visit A …
[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_6246.JPG” ] One of Little Rock’s best outings is a visit to the Heifer Village downtown. Heifer Village is next to the main building for Heifer Project, an Arkansas based nonprofit working to end hunger. [pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_6256.JPG” ] Here is a description from their website: Heifer …
A Visit to K. Hall and Sons Produce Market for Shrimp Boil Saturday Our friend, Josh, has been telling us for a while that we needed to come visit him and his family and take a walk up the street to this local produce market where they have a shrimp and crab legs boil every …
Arkansas Hiking Trails: Tollantusky Trail A couple of weekends ago we were looking for a day hike close to home and we stumbled upon the Tollantusky Trail near Conway, Arkansas. The trailhead is at the Cadron Settlement Park, which is located on AR-319 W off of Highway 64. This park is also home to restored …
Every day, I drive over one of the many bridges that connects my town to downtown Little Rock. We walk on them, ride bikes over them, drive to and from school over them. Most days, I give no thought to what is happening underneath these bridges, or more accurately, who is under them. This is …
Truth be told, I have never actually tailgated before. I’m sure this is partly due to the fact that I also don’t watch football. However, when the Arkansas Razorbacks play in Little Rock, tailgating takes up a good part of the town, as well as the local twitter, instagram and facebook feeds. So in …
I am so grateful for a wonderful weekend at Castle Bluff with our middle school students from church. It’s been a couple of years since I made it to one of Taido’s camps so I had enough distance that I was able to wonder afresh at the experience. Lots of treasures on my Grateful List …
After a couple of busy days in which we were all running different directions, we decided to spend Saturday evening together as a family. Everyone wanted to watch a movie, but Taido and I decided we all needed to get out of the house. The summer heat has given us a little relief the last …
photo by jerusalem greer @ jolly goode gal In the world of modern day technology, I find that it is a rare treat to be engaged by someone who holds my attention with nothing but an exceptional ability to wield the English language. Last week I had the remarkable privilege of meeting not just one, …
We had the most delectable lunch at Moss Mountain Farm this week. In keeping with our soy-themed day for Bean 2 Blog, the topping for the potato was made with tofu and the succotash served with the pork tenderloin was filled with edamame. I enjoyed the whole meal very much, but my favorite part was, …
Little Rock Zoo Days This past fall I joined the Little Rock Zoo on one of our days out of school. I realized I only had to come one other time to make it worth it to go ahead and join, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much we’ve used it. Our favorite time …
A couple of weekends ago my friend Rhonda and I had our first catering gig! Making food for people is something we have both enjoyed doing for a long time. And we’ve entertained trying to turn it into a job in about fifty different ways. But this gig just fell right into our laps, mostly …
At the end of December, Taido and I got to sneak away for our anniversary to a cabin at Devil’s Den State Park. It was like a little breath of fresh air after the holidays. The weather was warm the night we were there, too warm actually, causing a tornado to blow through about 30 …
Every year at d camp we do a hike and swim day. It’s nice to get out of camp for a day and hang around the Buffalo River, famous for drop dead gorgeous cliffs jutting up out of the snaking river. It became apparent early in the week that we were MUCH too big a …
D Camp Oh Discipleship Camp, lovingly referred to as d-camp. Where should I even start? So much could be said about the 6 days of being at camp with over 100 middle school students during one of the hottest Junes ever recorded in the history of this fine state of Arkansas. Really, the amount of …
One of the events that marks our autumn season every year are our middle and high school Fall Castle Bluff camps at church. So much of what happens in our youth programs at church pours out of these events and they take an enormous amount of support to pull off. Taido and Bobby and their …
Eleanor Roosevelt wrote the introduction to Daisy Bates’ memoir, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, about the Little Rock Nine, which was first published in 1962. In it, she boldly states, Every American should read this book. I could not agree more. In fact, I think it is …
Last Friday I accompanied the fourth graders at Pike View on a field trip that included stops at Little Rock Central High School, the Old State House and the Arkansas State Capitol. The trip came on the heels of units for Black History month and a social studies unit on the federal, state and local …