Heifer Village

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One of Little Rock’s best outings is a visit to the Heifer Village downtown.

Heifer Village is next to the main building for Heifer Project, an Arkansas based nonprofit working to end hunger.

[pe2-image src=”http://lh3.ggpht.com/-3lvMw_YcELQ/U6p1A41JLJI/AAAAAAAAUZI/eesosnAlNK8/s144-c-o/IMG_6256.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100212479652479288017/201303HeiferVillage2012LRZoo#6028759709304564882″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_6256.JPG” ]

Here is a description from their website:

Heifer Village is designed as a sustainable and environmentally sensitive building. Adjacent wetlands, which support native species, complement Heifer Village’s design.

A place for learning about solutions to global hunger and poverty, Heifer Village will spark commitment in all who experience it, furthering Heifer International’s mission to end hunger and poverty while caring for the Earth.

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Almost like a museum about world hunger and poverty, the Heifer Village is super interactive for kids.  Simon and I spent some time with a farm exhibit and he got to experience what it would be like to sleep under a mosquito net.  While we were playing in the exhibits, Ben explored options of what kids his age can do to help alleviate world hunger.

I always find the village to be so bright and inviting.  There is also a cafe (yummy homemade potato chips!) and a shop where you can buy fairly traded books and gifts from around the world.  We bought several birthday presents for this month, plus some chutneys from Swaziland. Yum.

Tours are offered daily of the Heifer’s main office buildings as well.  Ben has been on one as part of a school field trip, so he was pointing out some of the ecologically sound features from the outside.

[pe2-image src=”http://lh6.ggpht.com/-9LLeROYi1Tw/U6p1C1Lc6BI/AAAAAAAAUaI/mnabZbHYxFI/s144-c-o/IMG_6260.JPG” href=”https://picasaweb.google.com/100212479652479288017/201303HeiferVillage2012LRZoo#6028759742684129298″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”IMG_6260.JPG” ]

Heifer Village is located just behind the Clinton Presidential Library.  From the grounds outside, there are great views of the library and bridge.  Fields planted with bamboo and multicolored brick walkways make this whole area such a lovely part of downtown Little Rock.

Any day is great for a visit to the Heifer Village, cafe and shop. Admission is free.  From 10am-3pm, visitors can come and celebrate the beginning of spring.

Ten Dollar Tuesdays: This post is part of a new series I am starting this week where our family gives away $10 every Tuesday to a new charity.  There are so many wonderful places to give in the world, but most of our monthly giving is tied up in regular commitments.  However, while I have been doing the Seven Project, I have wanted to figure out a way to turn parts of the project more outward.  We saved a lot of money on groceries in Month 1 of eating only 7 foods, so we gave just a little bit of that money this week to Heifer to help end world hunger.

This idea is definitely still in process, but I am excited about featuring some of the long loved charities and projects we follow at our house, as well as new ones.  Want to join us?  Jump in and give $10 to Heifer today!





  1. As a Heifer volunteer, I love reading about these great experiences! Ten Dollar Tuesdays is a wonderful idea. I will definitely check back in to see how it grows. Have you and your family been to Heifer Ranch?

    1. Thanks Julianne! Some of us have been to the Heifer Ranch on a field trip, but I really want to take a group to do one of the overnights out there! I think that would be such a great experience!

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