Snapshots of Burgos, Spain

Ouachita Trail, Here We Come.

OT Beginning, Ouachita Trail in Arkansas, OT, Long Walks, Through Hikes

Well friends, the end of 2020 is within sight.

I daresay it’s been a year we will never forget, even if we want to.

But before this year is over, I am hoping to squeeze in a little (socially-distanced) adventure AND bring some light and love to the world in the process.

So I am going to hike the Ouachita Trail with my dear friend, Kandace. You might remember we hiked the Camino last year and we did a virtual hike with St Francis back in April

Walk with us!

The Ouachita Trail is a quiet trail (so COVID safe). It begins in Oklahoma and ends at Pinnacle Mountain near my home in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Lord willing and the creek don’t rise (literally), Kandace and I will cover the entire 223 miles in a little over two weeks. You can follow us while we are walking (rain or shine) on our Instagram @humiltywalk

When Kandace and I started Humility Walk a little over a year ago, we dreamed that it would be bigger than just the two of us walking on trails. We hoped that Humility Walk would be a way to make the world more beautiful by going on walks. So just like last year, we want to invite you to walk with us.

Because we are walking near where so many of our friends and family live, we would love to have you join us for a day of (socially distanced) walking outside if you’re interested. (Just shoot us a message.)

But no matter where you live, we would love for you to walk virtually with us.

Go for walks in your neighborhood or in a nearby forest in December and tag us @humility walk. 

$4500 for local food banks.

And because it’s the holidays and this year has been especially difficult for so many people around the world, we would love to encourage you to donate to your local food bank in honor of Humility Walk. The statistics around food insecurity this year because of the pandemic are staggering. As many as 1 in 4 households are reaching out to food banks, and they are all struggling to keep up with the demand. Even this summer, it was estimated that 14 million children were regularly missing meals — three times more than during the Great Recession and five times more than before the pandemic.

You can find your local food bank in the US by searching with your zip code here. Or you can give to the Arkansas Foodbank. Our goal is to raise $4500 for local food banks while we are walking. If we walk an average of 14 miles a day and 20 people give $14 each day (one dollar for every mile we walk), then we will easily reach our goal. Because we want to keep up with how much we raised, we would LOVE for you to tell us you donated. So text or email us, or donate through the link on our Instagram.

To spread the word (and the love), you can copy and paste the following:


I just donated [amount you donated] to [name of your local food bank]

for #HumiltyWalkOuachitaTrail,

an effort by @humilitywalk to raise money for people in need. 


Join the challenge by finding your local food bank here.

See you on the trail!
