Little Rock Zoo Days

little rock zoo days

Little Rock Zoo Days

This past fall I joined the Little Rock Zoo on one of our days out of school.  I realized I only had to come one other time to make it worth it to go ahead and join, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much we’ve used it.

little rock zoo days

Our favorite time to go is right after school.  I’ll pack a snack in the car and we head over there straight from the pick up line.

We arrive for the last hour that the zoo is open, which means it’s almost completely empty.

We have it all to ourselves.


We check on the penguins first when we get to the zoo.  The Little Rock Zoo added penguins just last year, so they are very novel to us.  We can sit and watch them swim for a long time.

little rock zoo days

Last week just Simon and I went to the zoo for a couple hours on a day he stayed home with an ear infection (the symptoms of which strangely disappeared once the carpool left for school).

Simon brought his notebook and spent a lot of time on benches drawing the animals.  He was very serious about this project, which was precious.  It was a gorgeous day so I was not in any hurry and just glad to be outside.

I’ve been glad for one more place to let the kids run after school before we settle in for the evening with dinner, baths and books. Yay for zoo days!