Warriors Don’t Cry and The Long Shadow of Little Rock









Eleanor Roosevelt wrote the introduction to Daisy Bates’ memoir, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, about the Little Rock Nine, which was first published in 1962.  In it, she boldly states,

Every American should read this book.

I could not agree more.  In fact, I think it is true of both of Warriors Don’t Cry as well.

And of Arkansans it is doubly true.

And if you are an Arkansan living in Little Rock, well…maybe reading these stories will bring healing.

Healing that clearly has not truly occurred since 1957 as was made evident in the brutally honest look at what public school in greater Little Rock is like 50 years following this harrowing year of integration.  Still. Very. Segregated.

I find that the only words I am left with after a day of reading (plus sneezing and coughing) are…

Come, Lord Jesus.


  1. Eric and I have been discussing the book Warriors Don’t Cry. He just finished reading it for one of his classes. “Powerful,” he said. It really opened his eyes. I’m looking forward to reading it..soon.

  2. […] read this after accompanying Mary Polly’s class to Central […]

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