In The Pipeline

Backpacking from Aspen to Crested Butte, In The Pipeline, Colorado

Oh my goodness. We have had the most wonderful 10 days in Colorado. We may not get to come back here for a long time, but we are going out with a bang!

We have hiked all the way from Aspen to Crested Butte! We’ve mountain biked. We’ve climbed mountains, hiked trails, fished lakes and seen incredible scenery.

Backpacking from Aspen to Crested Butte, In The Pipeline, Colorado

Also, Simon’s FAVORITE THING, we have ridden the shuttle (AKA THE BUS THAT COSTS NO MONEY!) multiple times a day!

I have so much to share when I get back home, but here are some fun things you might have missed:


Sarabeth Jones on 5 Things That Will Wreck Your Beach Vacation

Anna Davidson on 5 Things You Should Know About Running Your Own Restaurant Business

In The Pipeline, Climbing Mt Crested Butte, Colorado

Also, we climbed the same mountain we climbed six years ago. We’ve changed a lot, but the mountains are the same. Here’s what I wrote then about Climbing Mt. Crested Butte.

Other fun happenings:

Yesterday, New Camping Menus! We love to eat and camp!

I’ve been devouring Brene Brown’s book Daring Greatly this week! Have you read it? I’m kind of obsessed. Here’s a quote that might change my life:

When failure is not an option we can forget about learning, creativity and innovation.

Amen, y’all! Are you ready to fail with me? Seriously, I’m as far out on a limb as I can remember with this whole moving to Scotland thing. I hope you’ll still be there with me when I fall on my face.

Speaking of which, I got to guest post about our big move to Scotland over at Arkansas Women Bloggers last week, where I shared a little more about how I’m feeling about it all.

In The Pipeline

Also, I was totally on the P. Allen Smith RADIO SHOW! What?? You should go listen. I got to share air time with some other pretty great food blogs, The Healthy Apple and The Chubby Vegetarian.

Super exciting!  Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday weekend and LOVING with all your heart!