Backpacking from Aspen to Crested Butte, In The Pipeline, Colorado

Snapshots of Aspen Hiking Trails

So, I never finished putting up all my pictures from our trip to Colorado.

These are all pictures from hikes we did in and around Aspen.

Every day we spent in Aspen we found a new hike to go on.

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacationThis trail actually left from our campground, Difficult Creek.

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trail

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trail

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trailThe kids love to stop near a river and throw rocks.  They try to see how far out they can get without getting wet.  Sometimes they get wet.

It amazes me how sticks and rocks can keep children busy for hours.  Add a little stream and you have an entire day’s entertainment.

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trail

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trail

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trail

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trailTaido carried Blow Pops for the kids to eat when we reached a milestone on a hike.  Simon had never had one before this trip, and after his first one, he could be made to do just about anything for a Blow Pop.  He would hike miles without whining in expectation of one!

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, difficult creek trailThe Maroon Bells hike to Crater Lake was our favorite.  I took tons of pictures because the entire hike was absolutely breath-taking.

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake, little girl in the aspen trees

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake, little girl in aspen trees

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake, maroon lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake, aspen trees

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake, maroon lake, fourteenersThese are the Maroon Bells.  Taido and my dad have climbed both of them.

I’ve seen lots of pictures but seeing them in person was A-MAZING!

While I was there I decided that one day I would LOVE to hike with a group of women from Aspen to Crested Butte by way of this trail.

It can be done in a day.  What an amazing day it would be!

And of course, we would hit up some yoga in Crested Butte for our sore legs.

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, maroon bells hike, crater lake

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, conundrum hike

aspen hiking trails, hiking with kids, colorado vacation, conundrum hike


  1. Great pictures. I love the blow-pop idea. I might have to try that with my 13 yo, who is uber slow about everything!

  2. […] the sights as most tourists might. I’m evaluating… Could I live here? Or here? Or wherever? The act of being in another place (no matter how briefly) reaffirms for me that I’m not tied […]

  3. […] all those different blog posts about our trip to Colorado last […]

  4. […] are a few highlights of our first few days, which we spent in Aspen, Colorado at Difficult […]

  5. […] It was about after 5pm when we drove the van up to Maroon Lake. […]

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