Snapshots of a Concert

The Head and The Heart

Back in January, I mentioned that we gave the kids tickets to events this year for Christmas presents. (Which is making Christmas last all year!)

When I took Ben and Simon to Edinburgh to see The Lion King, we made a day of it, enjoying the city and taking loads of photos. We even had an adventure.

Well this week it was Cole’s turn, but since Taido took him to Glasgow to see The Head and The Heart instead of me, there were way less pictures. Also, Taido and Cole are the two Chinos least likely to tell you all about their day, so I’ve had to just sort of piece together their experience from Instagram.

They left around lunchtime to drive from Aberdeen to Glasgow and did not get home until the middle of the night, but I think they had fun.

They both said they enjoyed the show.

The Head and The Heart, Glasgow, IG TRAVEL THURSDAY

I also know they were really close to the front, because they each put a shot up of the band performing.

Of course, there were no photos of Glasgow or whatever they had for dinner or the drive down.

The Head and The Heart, Set List, Glasgow, IG TRAVEL THURSDAY

Yesterday I was cleaning up and I found a wadded up piece of paper that normally I would have thrown away, but for some reason, I decided to ask Cole about it.

Me: Hey, is this yours?

Cole: Yes.

Me: What is it?

Cole: It’s the set list from the concert. I thought I’d keep it as a souvenir.

Me: Oh, well I almost threw it away because it’s all wadded up.

Cole: Yeah, they wadded it up at the end of the night and threw it in the audience.

Me: Wow, did you catch it?

Cole: No, Dad did.

Me: Hmm.

Y’all the stories that go untold in this house!

I’m so glad I asked, because apart from a couple of shots of the band, this image in my mind of the two of them up front, grabbing for the set list, is my one peek inside their father/son outing.

I can promise that when Mary Polly and I go to see One Direction in June, there will be a lot more photos. And stories.

I’m curious! What’s the furthest you’ve traveled for a concert?  (I think mine would have to be five hours from Little Rock to Dallas to see the Indigo Girls, back in the 90s.)

Bonus: Here’s my personal favorite The Head and The Heart song, Down in the Valley.

Do you travel + Instagram? Join in IG Travel Thursday!



  1. Little Rock to San Francisco to see James Taylor. I have seen JT perform many times, but that by far, was the best time. Not only did we take in the concert but we got to see the sights of SF, travel to wine country and took a lovely drive along the coast. I would do it all over again.

    1. That sounds dreamy, Allyson! I love James Taylor but have never seen him perform live.

      1. Alison, JT is going to be in Glasgow September 29th. You should try and go.

  2. Nashville from Little Rock to see U2. My most favorite concert ever! We were in the inner circle of the 360 Tour! We waited in line 9 hours to get that spot. Totally worth it!

    1. I totally remember that. So. Much. Fun.

  3. I love them! What an awesome memory to make for your son. I absolutely love that you gave them tickets as presents, no clutter? Experiences and Adventure? Win/win!

    On an unrelated note when I saw the set list that last one shocked me a bit and I had to think about their songs. Then I laughed.

    1. Haha. 🙂 Funny stuff. Yes, it seems like every year we try something new with Christmas presents but this has been a great solution! We often do this for birthdays as well. I’m with you on no clutter!

  4. What an amazing idea to give them tickets to enjoy throughout the year. I just might have to grab that one! …and those untold stories, I’m there with you 🙂

    1. So true. I tell a lot of stories but I promise there are more that go untold with all the boys that reside in this house. 🙂

  5. Ha! Boys!! Cracks me up! My husband is the same way and I see my son going down the path of little info as well! The set list is kind of cool!
    I’ve never been a big concert goer, but we did travel to Berlin from Prague to see U2 perform their 360 tour. I enjoyed it, but I do not like loud noises and my ears were ringing! But my hubby loves them as do I so it was worth a little discomfort. 😉

    1. I sooo wish I’d seen them on that tour! Very fun! We’re big U2 fans. My cousin sang ‘All I Want Is You’ at our wedding!

  6. I really miss going to concerts!! When our first was about 3 weeks old, they had some live bands playing at the local ski hill for the opening party and we were out there dancing with her. Just for that little moment before she was hungry again… 🙂 This was only 10min from our house though so I can’t really say that we traveled there….!

    1. Fun memories!! We took our kids to outdoor concerts with picnics when they were little too. So fun!

  7. That’s neat that they caught the set-list. Little jealous of your June concert. I like One Direction myself.

    1. I’m super curious to see what sort of show they put on! My girl is a huge fan!!

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