picture of clouds and sunlight, in the morning on Ash Wednesday

Entering In

picture of clouds and sunlight, in the morning on Ash Wednesday, lent

Today is Ash Wednesday.

The beginning of Lent.

The wait for spring.

For Resurrection.

Bread and Wine, Lent, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Reading, Devotional

This treasure of a book, Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, has been my Lenten companion for several years now.  It is a collection of essays by all different writers.  It opens with this beautiful quote from Graham Greene:

You can’t conceive, my child, nor can I or anyone, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God.

Like the tulip shoots coming up in the garden this morning, I am preparing myself for an awakening.  I am ready to come up out of the dark soil in which I have rested to grow alive again to this appallingly strange mercy.



  1. […] For Good Friday, I have combed back through some of my favorite essays in the Lenten Reading collection, Bread and Wine. […]

  2. […] older and partly because I hope every year that God will show up in our home in a powerful way as I turn my heart towards […]

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