In The Pipeline

Happy Friday! I’m just popping in to share a few things with you today! Our neighborhood pool opens tomorrow, so it’s officially summertime here in Arkansas!

I mentioned a couple of week ago that our family is about to embark on a great adventure.  Well, here it is:

As we say in the South, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, the Chinos are moving to Scotland!

More to come on this soon, but for now…here are a few other Chino House Happenings:

Summer Travel Plans

Are you making your summer vacation plans? Before we move to Scotland, we have some traveling we want to do here in the States, including one last trip to Colorado.  This year we’ll be backpacking instead of pop up camping.  I’m excited to share more details about this family adventure next week.

Bean 2 Blog

I attended an amazing blogging event out at P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home on Tuesday called Bean 2 Blog.  I learned so much, and took loads of gorgeous pictures, so I will be sharing more about that.  It was completely different from our family visit to Moss Mountain Farm.

Moore, Oklahoma

While we were there on Tuesday, reports were still rolling in of the devastation in Oklahoma by a tornado on Monday.  My brother, Peter, who works for Starbucks, supervises all the licensed stores in and around Oklahoma City, which includes one in Moore, OK.  He has at least 10 employees whose homes were hit by the tornado.  He is going with his family to Oklahoma next Tuesday to work, but while he’s there, he and 300 other Starbucks employees from the surrounding area will spend a day digging through the rubble and trying to salvage the treasures of those who have currently been left homeless by recent events.  Mary Polly, Cole and I are tagging along with them to see if we can be a help.  We are collecting diapers to take to area shelters, which we’ve been told is one of their current big needs.  If you want to help me fill my car (and car top carrier) with diapers, feel free to jump in.  (Send me an email: alisonchino at gmail dot com)

Holiday Weekend Cooking

Are you planning a fun holiday weekend campout or cookout for Memorial Day?  Or perhaps someone just asked you to bring a side dish?  Might I suggest a few things?  Here are some past recipes and menus that would look great on your picnic table on this opening weekend of summer!

Camping Menus: A week’s worth of great food to make on the go.  Adaptable to picnics as well.

Tailgate Menu: I know it’s not football season, but hanging out at the lake and tailgating are VERY similar.  This menu would work for either.

Side Dishes: Cole Slaw, Colorful Summer Salad with Peppers and Edamame, Sesame Kale Salad, Crunchy Church Picnic Salad, Chop Chop Salad, Lemon Basil Garden Salad

Fancy Hot Dog Party or a Front Porch Hot Dog Picnic.

Oh and while you’re outside, you might want to fight off the bugs with your own Homemade Insect Repellent!

Whatever you eat and what ever you do this weekend, I hope you soak up all kinds of beautiful moments and LOVE with all your heart.







  1. So excited for you guys! And we’ll (sort of) be neighbors! Please keep us posted and let’s try to connect as soon as you are feeling up to it when you move! Scotland is only a short flight from us. 🙂
    Love, Annie, Walt, Chloe & Naomi

    1. Thanks Annie! I most certainly want to arrange a visit! I’m sure I will have (and already do have) about 1 million questions about living/traveling across the pond with our brood!

  2. So incredibly excited for you all! And I know this transition will be bittersweet in many ways, but it will be (selfishly) amazing to have you closer! 🙂 Let me know if there’s anything I can do on this end…praying for much peace amidst the crazy and wisdom in the big and little decisions that will inevitably be heading your way…much love, friend! 🙂

    1. Thanks Jerm! I certainly feel like a visit to your neck of the woods is much more feasible this way, so here’s to meeting up in new places! LOVES!

      1. Oh, definitely!! I’m already looking forward to it and am scheming to perhaps find a way to have T speak here, too. 🙂 Here’s to new places and adventures! 🙂 much love!

  3. Alison, how exciting that you guys are going to Edinburgh for three years. I love Edinburg. I went last year while my daughter was studying abroad there. We had some some fabulous food while we were there. Can’t wait to read about all of your adventures.

    1. Thanks Allyson! We’re all a little nervous but excited!

  4. wow! so excited for you guys! I just listened to taido’s sermon and was just amazed at the journey… truly a God-powered faith journey. i can’t believe it’s been that many years ago since you’ve left seattle. i continue to be blessed by ur sharing! praying for ur family’s transition!

    1. Thanks so much Kristie! That is so encouraging! The journey continues and you know, some days are more successful than others, so I am thankful for every little loving comment along the way!

  5. […] need. I know I’m going to be in that time of need again and again, especially this summer as dear friends embark on a great adventure, and I don’t want to forget how I kept feeling God say I got this, stop worrying. It’s […]

  6. […] of need. I know I'm going to be in that time of need again and again, especially this summer as dear friends embark on a great adventure, and I don't want to forget how I kept feeling God say I got this, stop worrying. It's okay, you […]

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