Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

Snapshots of Yellow

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

A little yellow in my life makes me smile.

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

On a cloudy spring day, this yellow rapeseed can almost take the place of the sunshine for me.

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

Even in the pouring rain, I will stop for a spot of yellow.

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

Glimpsed far away or along the River Tweed, these fields have been grabbing my attention for several weeks now.

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

And oh my goodness, when the sun does shine and the sky is blue, the combination of colors is too perfect for words.

Snapshots of Yellow, St Cuthberts Way

Bring on the yellow.

Snapshots of Yellow Fields, Rapeseed Fields, British Countryside, St Cuthberts Way

I’m sharing all this yellow for IG Travel Thursday as a very brief glimpse of my walk along St Cuthbert’s Way, a 63 mile walk along the border of Scotland and England, last weekend with Macs Adventure. MUCH more to come from the amazing experience of walking village to village in the UK with my sweet sister.

I hope your day is all yellow! (Mine has been a little blue since saying goodbye to my sister!)

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More of my IG Travel Thursday posts.


  1. Those are amazing photos! No wonder you look so happy – ensconced in all that color…

    1. They do look amazing! Where were the photos taken?

    2. Thank you so much y’all!! So TRUE, Barb. I do love color! Linsey these are all in the British countryside, right along the border between Scotland and England.

  2. I also love yellow fields in spring, they are so pretty. Lovely photos as usual!

    1. Thanks so much Reeta! 🙂

  3. Love, love, love!

    1. Thanks Kerry! I bet they have some pretty lovely fields where you live as well! 🙂

  4. Beautiful pictures. I love the cheery yellow spots, too. Such a happy color!!!

    1. So true! Happy indeed!

  5. Love these shots, and yellow is such a positive color!

    1. YES! It is super positive. I think it’s my new favorite/favourite for sures! (Used to be green, which I do love as well!)

  6. Beautiful! Yellow us such a happy color.

    1. Thanks so much Laurie! It is indeed!

  7. Oh my gosh I love it! Especially the picture with the field behind the tree!

    1. Thanks so much Alyssa! Hope you guys are doing well! 🙂

  8. Those are some great snapshots of yellow.

  9. These take my breath away! I can only imagine the joy of walking up to these golden fields. ❤️

  10. […] found these stories super fascinating and I felt honored to have seen this place before I started walking St Cuthbert’s Way. However, I had three kids with me who cared nothing for reading the history of the […]

  11. […] And they demand to be photographed. […]

  12. […] And they demand to be photographed. […]

  13. […] how I am all obsessed with the yellow fields in England. Well, they are even more magical on […]

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