Showing 45 Result(s)
Upper Room Window, Secrets in Santiago de Compostela

Mini Walking Stories: Secrets in Santiago

MINI WALKING STORIES Mini Walking Stories is a project I’m doing this month to catalog what has been an AMAZING year of walking. Every day during December, I’m going to choose one photo and invite you to come along with me for a few minutes on one of the walks I took in 2022. Read …

4Camino Arzua to O Pedrouzo

Camino de Santiago Day 6: Arzua to O Pedrouzo

Camino de Santiago Day 6: Arzua to O Pedrouzo Fifth Day of Walking the Last 100 km to Santiago 19.5 kilometers 12 miles Elevation:  382.12 meters up +   473.69 meters down Earth is crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only she who sees takes off her shoes. -Elizabeth Barrett …


Camino de Santiago Day 1: Arrival in Sarria

Camino de Santiago Day 1: Arrival in Sarria As promised, I am continuing the logging of my Camino journey through this blog. I am now back at home and thoroughly enjoying re-living my Camino memories through writing about them. Since the arrival of a long-awaited group of ladies in Sarria marked the beginning of a …