Showing 57 Result(s)

Books For Valentine’s Day

My favorite valentine is a book of course. And because the outpouring of sweets is abundant at school, I give my kiddos books for valentine’s as well.  This year Cole is getting Inkheart, Mary Polly a new Ivy and Bean, Ben a new My Weird School and Simon a new Mr. Putter. In case you …

Looking for God by Nancy Ortberg

I finished this book by Nancy Ortberg yesterday.  Another Christmas gift from another sweet friend.  I was trying to savor it, because each vignette was worthy of contemplation, but I ended up gulping down the remaining chapters yesterday morning.  I have said before that I love to read stories of people finding faith, and this …

Lying Awake by Mark Salzman

I am rereading Lying Awake by Mark Salzman for our Boxed Lunch Book Club* at church this week, and I forgot how wonderful it is.  I am equally baffled this time as in my last reading at the intimacy with which this author portrays a cloistered group of nuns.  First of all he is a …


So, when I got home from Canada this summer, I had all these little scraps of paper in my backpack on which I had written the names of books I had seen in various bookstores and wanted to one day read.  This is something I do often, write down a book on a ridiculously small …

Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan Vreeland

              At church this fall, Whitney and I are hosting what we are calling a Boxed Lunch Book Club.  I am super excited about it, but I am a little nervous.  Because lots of other people are super excited about it too, so I have sold like 20 books.  …

finding our way

I finished a book this morning that I have been slowly reading since just before I left home. It’s called Finding Our Way Again. Isn’t that a great title? It’s about restoring to our lives some of the ancient traditions of faith that have given both sanity and sacredness to so many who have gone …

God digs camping.

this quote near the end of the book may be the greatest encouragement i receive from reading irresistible revolution, since it speaks to where i am right now. we leave in 23 days for our summer adventure and there are a whole lot of details that we are continuing to just leave to God. at …

Atonement by Ian McEwan

every once in a while, as i read a book, i am compelled less by the actual story than i am by the sheer beauty of the words that seem to lilt across the page and create images in my mind as crystal clear as the flowers that are blooming today outside my living room …

The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai

it is a superb day for a blanket and a good book. since school was canceled because of the rare appearance of snow in arkansas, i spent nearly two hours in the tub this morning finishing the inheritance of loss which i started over christmas. i don’t know why it took me so long to finish, possibly …

Lessons from Lemony

One of the many great joys of reading The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket is the cleverly disguised vocabulary lessons throughout the entire series. The oft repeated phrase, a word which here means,  followed by a definition of the word just used, introduces a word or phrase that might be unfamiliar to the …

Snow by Orhan Pamuk

i finally finished snow by orhan pamuk. my head is still swimming a bit from all the quotes i want to save up there. it is set in turkey…i was drawn to reading it because i have a friend who is over there right now and it made me feel like i’m sort of traveling to …

The Shaping of A Life by Phyllis Tickle

this week i am reading the shaping of a life by phyllis tickle. i am embarrassed to admit how very long ago i borrowed it. a shameful amount of time has passed. but now that i’ve begun it i’m sure i will be returning it soon. it is precious. i’ve talked before about how much …

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

i have been reading eat, pray, love by elizabeth gilbert for several weeks. i started it because hello, anne lamott has the endorsement on the cover, and i love her. i would love to loan it to you, but it’s overdue at the library and someone else has it on reserve, thereby blocking my ability to …

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

I finished The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls yesterday and I have been sort of haunted by it. (I’m obsessed with memoir lately…I think they make me grateful for my childhood and conscious of the one i’m creating for my own kids.) I have decided that this particular memoir stands out to me because the author …