Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

Snapshots of Durham, England

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

Snapshots of Durham, England for Instagram Travel Thursday

Whenever someone mentions Durham in a room full of people in the UK, at least one person makes a reverent oohing sound.

Ahh, Durham.

Yes, you must see Durham.

Snapshots of Durham, England, English Shop Fronts

So when we heard that Taido was slated to speak at a conference at Durham University, the rest of us tagged along to see the city.

Snapshots of Durham, England, English Shop Fronts

Dodging a slight drizzle that was broken up by sporadic patches of sunlight, we made our way straight to the World Heritage Site, Durham Cathedral.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

Began in 1093, this grand Romanesque structure was conceived to hold the bones of the humble St Cuthbert, who spent his life wandering in the woods and farm lands just north of here, before taking up residence on the Island of Lindisfarne.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

Within the cathedral is a giant shrine to the Saint, a place to which medieval and modern pilgrims alike have come in search of peace, healing and enlightenment. (St Bede is also entombed here.)

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

I found these stories super fascinating and I felt honored to have seen this place before I started walking St Cuthbert’s Way. However, I had three kids with me who cared nothing for reading the history of the cathedral.

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The sacred site held their interest for other reasons, the first of which was that the courtyard of Durham Cathedral appears in the Harry Potter movies.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

And whether we were imagining Benedictine monks or Daniel Radcliffe, we all enjoyed walking through this beautiful cloister.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

The second reason the kids enjoyed the cathedral is that they discovered that for five pounds (2.50 for kids), you could climb to the top of the tower. They begged me to do it and even talked the attendant into letting Simon stand on his tiptoes to fudge the height requirement.

325 steps did not actually sound like that many to me. (The Eiffel Tower has 710.) But actually it was quite a lot. And the last few were very tight. Mary Polly started to get scared towards the top as we began to get glimpses through small windows of how high up we were getting.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

She and Simon did not stay on the roof for more than a minute, but Ben and I walked all the way around the edges of the tower, taking photos from each side.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Romanesque Architecture

I was so glad they had talked me into climbing it, because the views were breathtaking, and I loved getting a feel for the shape of the city from up so high.

A 1610 Map of Durham, Wikipedia, Snapshots of Durham
A 1610 Map of Durham, Wikipedia

You could actually see the whole bend of the river as it appears on this old map.

Getting down was a little harder, and I don’t recommend it if you have a bit of claustrophobia, but Ben and I were both so glad we had climbed it.

The attendant gave us all stickers that said “I climbed to the top of the Durham Cathedral Tower,” which I thought was cute.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Durham Cathedral, Lego

But if you ask the kids about their favorite part of Durham Cathedral, they might just say that it was this Lego model.

And I have to say that this is a brilliant marketing strategy on someone’s part for this World Heritage Site. All over the cathedral, attendants and workers were wearing t-shirts about this Lego model, so before we ever found it, the kids were looking for it.

And then, when we finally found it, we discovered that it is in the slow process of being built and actually, you can pay a pound to add a brick to the model, which of course the kids wanted to do.

It was pretty impressive already, but it would be fun to see it when it is completed.


The meander in the River Wear which encircles the city has a lovely walking path, so after we visited the cathedral we headed off to walk it. Of course.

Snapshots of Durham, England, River Wear, Bridge

The kids were not super excited about this walk. It was exactly that time of day which is too early for lunch but when your breakfast (especially if you had an early one) was long enough ago to make you grouchy.

Snapshots of Durham, England, River Wear

We were not staying in Durham so we needed to spend the whole day there while Taido was in his sessions and I knew if we ate lunch at 10:45, we would be in trouble waiting for him until five. Our blue sky was gone and if you sat still, you began to get cold so I told the kids if they would walk all the way around the city with me we would eat out instead of having the peanut butter sandwiches we had brought in the car.

Snapshots of Durham, England, River Wear

And though this cost me a pretty penny in Italian food later on, it totally did the trick!


After our walk we warmed up with calzones and cappuccino at a yummy restaurant and Mary Polly remarked that she was so glad we were eating inside somewhere warm instead of having our peanut butter out in the cold.

Snapshots of Durham, England, Red Telephone Booth

After lunch, we visited a few of the shops.

Snapshots of Durham, England, English Shop Fronts

There are a lot of great store and pub fronts in Durham.

Snapshots of Durham, England, English Shop Fronts

The Shakespeare is one of the older pubs in Durham, LOVE!

Snapshots of Durham, England, English Shop Fronts

We spent most of the afternoon looking at books, and I could imagine passing away lots more hours in these cozy spots that sit in the shadow of the great cathedral.

Chinos, Snapshots of Durham, England

It was raining again when we went to the main town square to meet up with Taido, so the kids were all huddled together under a statue when I snapped this picture. Soon they would be falling asleep in a warm car. Bless.

PS If you’re visiting Durham, be sure to also pop over to beautiful North Yorkshire!

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  1. Durham was a last minute stop on our trip to Scotland in October. So worth it, despite the rainy weather we had that day. It is a really charming town, and the cathedral is both huge and beautiful. The Legos were the highlight of the kids’ day for us too.

    1. How fun! I loved seeing your post from the same place and what you included. (I took my door knocker pictures out, but I love that story.) I love hearing about other families who have been on the same routes through the UK! 🙂

  2. Durham looks beautiful.. I loved these images already on Instagram, and here, on a bigger scale they work even better!

    1. Thanks so much Satu!

  3. Clearly I need to add another spot to my next England trip!

    1. It’s well worth a stopover for sure and the train goes right through Durham as well!

  4. What a lovely place. Before I read about the cathedral I took a look and though Harry Potter, and then I saw your commentary. This will go on my visit-list when heading north next time!

    1. There are several Harry Potter film sites in this area! You could easily do a whole trip organized around visiting HP movie locations, which of course my kids would love!

  5. Alison, the beauty of your photos (and descriptions) makes me teary-eyed. I never grow tired of seeing Scotland through your eyes.

    That being said, I have to confess that the first thought in my mind – as a gal whose family has put together dozens (if not hundreds) of picturesque jigsaw puzzles – was, “That looks like a puzzle!” Would have been the first thing out of my mom’s mouth, too. We’re just puzzly that way. 🙂

    Thank you for continuing to bring beauty to my world through your art.

    1. That’s so fun Suzy! Maybe when we move back to the US, we’ll have pictures of our favorite spots made into puzzles. I’m sure someone does that!

  6. Love that Lego model!
    Definitely a place to visit – the architecture and history is fascinating.

    1. Definitely! Thanks so much Maria! 🙂

  7. What a beautiful town and cathedral!! Glad you found some things to do that the kids enjoyed! That can be so challenging!!

    1. So true! They are pretty good sports, but everyone has a limit on touring historical buildings of any sort. 🙂

  8. I always love the architecture in England. We have a Durham, N.C.

    1. And there’s an Aberdeen in S.C. I believe. Those always come up when I’m doing flight searches. 🙂

  9. WOW. So amazing! I have now added Durham to my travel wishlist. What an incredible place to visit! Thank you for sharing your beautiful shots!

  10. I feel like I went along with you that day, and had a wonderful time! Wow, fantastic pictures. And being both claustrophobic and afraid of heights, I’m going to call thoroughly enjoying your views from the Durham Cathedral good enough for me!

    Lovely blog. Happy to have found you via #IGTravelThursday 🙂

  11. […] I visited the awe-inspiring Durham Cathedral, it struck me as a tiny bit strange that a saint who wanted to live his days out quietly in caves […]

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