Snapshots of Athens, Greece

Snapshots of Athens {Greece} (44/48)

Snapshots of Athens, Greece


On my last morning in Athens, Sarabeth had to catch a 5am bus to the airport, so I got up early to walk her to her stop, grabbed some coffee and then had a wander around the city by myself.

No agenda. No maps. No rules.

Just me and my camera. Walking and watching.

I did this for about four hours before I hopped on the Metro to go catch my plane home.

I love walking around a city early in the day before it’s busy.

Here are my photos from that morning.


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  1. Ooooh I am so glad to see these! And so happy it wasn’t raining on you! Beautiful.

    1. Right?? So happy for sunshine on my last day in Athens! Let’s go back when it’s WARM!

    1. Thanks so much Sarah!

  2. So neat to be able to see the early quiet streets of a busy city!!

    1. It’s the best time of day for sure! Happy for jet lag and early rising! 🙂

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