Chinos To Scotland, Travel Photos, Family and Vintage Suitcases

Ready, Set, Go!

Chinos To Scotland, Travel Photos, Family and Vintage Suitcases

Ready or not, it’s time to go.

We’re putting on our game faces and heading out into the big wide world.

Taido is already in Scotland, continuing the house hunt.

We’re not sure what his plan is for the 20 suitcases we have in tow, but we’ll be glad to see him no matter what!

We’ve been covered up in love from our hometown folks, and I’m carrying each goodbye in my heart on this journey!

Blog updates may be a wee bit spotty in the coming weeks, but you can always follow along on Instagram or Twitter for the smaller soundbytes.

This photo is from our super fun traveling shoot with Whitney Loibner.  LOVE!    


  1. Praying for all of you everyday!

  2. You do bring a smile each time I read…thank you!
    Am praying much for your crew!

  3. We just returned from Scotland and are in love with it! You all are going to enjoy your time there! Safe journey!

  4. Awhile back you posted a quote from Brene Brown that it was possible to be both afraid and brave in the very same moment. Then you stated that being afraid and brave equaled courage. These words really helped me during a rough time when my husband was facing cancer. Praise the Lord he is cancer free now. You and your family are very courageous to make such a big move. May you be blessed and cared for during this time of trusting God and taking a leap of faith. You are in my prayers.

    1. This encourages me so, so much! I am most certainly afraid right now, so I keep reminding myself that this is being brave!! It doesn’t always feel like it, does it?

  5. Best of luck! Can’t wait to read about your new adventure.

  6. Praying for you guys and loving this great opportunity!

  7. Good Luck, Chinos! I can’t wait to hear more {and maybe some more Olive-Us-like videos?}

  8. I hope I remember you when you return to dear ole Arkansas. I have already remarked to Donna that I can’t believe that you will be in SWITZERLAND for 3 years. Ha! I am missing you already! Enjoy the journey! I love you all!

  9. That’s awesome! I wish you well on the trip!

  10. What a beautiful photo to mark this new journey!!

  11. Thanks so much for all the well wishes, y’all!!! They are carrying me through the crazy!!

  12. […] think this dish would taste wonderful with Petit Jean Meats smoked sausage, but we are living in Scotland and can’t get it at the moment. I used Spanish chorizo sausage. There are just a couple of […]

  13. […] reasons for this. One is that while I was writing about our cruise last year, we were making some life changing decisions that took over most of my brain, which kept me from getting through all of our vacation […]

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