Coast to Coast, Children Welcome, Kirby Stephen, Yorkshire

Walking Across England: The Coast to Coast Photos {England} (36/48)

My Favorite 20 Coast to Coast Photos

Friends. Diane and I finished the Coast to Coast in September but the journey began back in January of last year, and it did not really finish until yesterday when I wrote the ending. And that’s how it is with a Grand Adventure. Any journey worth its salt will occupy a space on my brain for a lot longer than the actual two weeks of walking. The memory of each step I took across England with my precious friend Diane will stay with me for many, many moons.

And as a way of saying goodbye to this season of planning, walking and writing about this journey, here are my 20 Favorite Photos of The Coast to Coast.

C2C Day 1 (84)

C2C Day 2 (24)C2C Day 2 (60)C2C Day 2 (62)

C2C Day 2 (80)

C2C Day 2 (83)C2C Day 2 (93)

C2C Day 5 (19)

Coast to Coast Day 5 IP (24)

C2C Day 5 (30)

Coast to Coast Day 5 IP (29)

Coast to Coast Day 5 IP (51)

C2C Day 5 (36)

C2C Day 6 (6)

C2C Day 8 (20)

C2C Day 8 (25)

C2C Day 9 (33)

C2C Day 11 (15)

Coast to Coast Day 13 IP (75)

Coast to Coast Day 13 IP (65)

Just in case you missed one of the many Coast to Coast stories along the way, here they all are for your reading pleasure.

Coast to Coast: Rising to the Occasion

Coast to Coast: Meeting a 78 Year Old Fellwalker

Coast to Coast: Children Welcome

Coast to Coast: Long Day Strategies

Coast to Coast: Upon Arrival

Coast to Coast: Fellow Pilgrims

Coast to Coast: Highs

Coast to Coast: Finishing (Not So) Strong

I hope you’ve enjoyed this walk even a little bit as much as I have. I am already super excited about adventures coming in 2015. I’m looking forward to doing more walks with Macs Adventure!


  1. Thanks for taking us along on your journey Alison! Beautiful photographs.

    1. Thank you so much for following along!! I so appreciate it! 🙂

  2. Hello Alison,
    Thank you so very much!
    I completed the C2C as well in September of 2014 (I must have been a few days off your schedule), but your posts and your photos elicited so many wonderful memories for me that I felt compelled to write to thank you. You truly have a gift!
    I wish that I heard you two singing on that long day! I agree with you when you state that of all the C2C walkers, you two had the most fun.
    My only previous walks were The West Highland Way & The Great Glen Way (2012) and as you reside in wonderful Scotland (our two children’s favorite country!) you will know how those walks compare.
    Your wonderful prose, coupled with the stunning photos (not to mention the YouTube additions) brought me back to a time that I will always remember with joy.
    Thanks again for your talents, your sense of adventure, and your joyful nature.
    Tim Stark

    1. Oh my goodness. Thank you so much for writing! This made my day! I love hearing from fellow walkers! I haven’t done those two walks in Scotland yet but I really hope to. This spring I am doing the Speyside Way though, so hopefully I’ll have more fun photos + stories ahead! Thanks again for dropping by and for leaving your kind remarks!! 🙂

  3. […] in your backyard that you could complete in smaller chunks?  I loved taking two weeks to walk the Coast to Coast last year in England, but I met lots of folks on the trail who were walking just part of the […]

  4. […] I recognized the scribblings of Wainwright from my two weeks on England’s Coast to Coast trail. […]

  5. […] of these booths from hikes and walks and travels in the last three years. This one is from the Coast to Coast walk in Grasmere with […]

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