In The Pipeline, Red leaf gray rock

In The Pipeline

In The Pipeline, Red leaf gray rock

Has the weather turned cold where you are? I’ve been making lots of soup to keep warm! This time next month we’ll be walking to school before the sun rises and home from school after it sets. Yikes!

Some news from this week:

WE SOLD OUR HOUSE IN ARKANSAS! (Super Exciting, y’all!!) No more paying rent + a house payment!

Also exciting: That one time I became a Huffington Post Blogger and they let me tell the world some more about Ireland.  That happened on Tuesday of this week and I pretty much danced around the flat all day in celebration.  I’m sorry you missed that.

Halloween is pretty low key around here compared to back in the states, but we managed to eat some sweets and dress up a bit.  Cole went to a school party as the joker, and I was really nervous for anyone who might have run into him walking home in the dark. Yikes.

Other happy corners of the internet:

I could watch this video of Dublin over and over again.  Also the song from Lana Del Ray is hauntingly beautiful!

Interesting: foraging for food in Scotland and a castle in Scotland where you can book a room, both from a recent blogger trip to Scotland.

Beautiful essay from a mom about the gifts of raising a son with Down’s Syndrome.

Winning BBC photo of a lake we just saw.

Do you like to work in coffee shops? Well, you can make your house or office sound like one. Crazy, huh?

This info might be helpful to me because starting today, I am participating in National Novel Writing Month. I’m trying to finally turn that crazy summer we spent in a camper into a book. By officially joining NaNoWriMo, I am committing to writing 50,000 words in the month of November, so if I disappear from the universe, don’t worry.  I’ll emerge again in December, hopefully with something close to a book!

Hope your weekend is extra lovely and that you find time to wander somewhere new!

See you back here on Monday!


  1. CONGRATS on the house! We are about to close on our house in Colorado and it’s going to be just so freeing to not be paying rent + a mortgage. I feel your excitement girl 😉

    1. Thank you so much! I will totally have a virtual party with you when you close on yours! 🙂

  2. I had a lot of fun following your links. I especially loved the video of Dublin and the song…perfect!!!

    1. Thanks June! I always wonder if anyone ever clicks through them. I’m glad someone else can benefit from all the time I waste on the internet. 😉

  3. Congrats on selling your house abs and also committing to NoMoWriMo! Full of admiration fit those doing it, maybe next year I’ll give it a go. Best of luck! 🙂

    1. Thanks so much Susan! I am going easy on myself for NaNoWriMo. Hoping to hit that word count even if it’s rubbish! 🙂

  4. Woo! so many great things to celebrate with you all about…the house, Huffington post…and novel writing! can’t wait to see what comes out of your month of writing and to read about it when it comes into being in book form! (i already can see it happening!) 🙂 happy writing…!

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