Showing off the Shire, Happy, North Sea, Balmedie, Scotland

In The Pipeline

In The Pipeline, Happy, North Sea, Balmedie, Scotland

Hello friends! What have you been up to?

This week I flew home from Mauritius, had dear friends visit, went to see One Direction with my daughter, sent my husband off to Kenya and cut six inches off my dreadlocks.

Also, as of this morning, my computer and I are back together!

You can’t even imagine the absurd amount of relief that this brings me.

I’m jumping for joy!

Jermaine and Kristie are expert jumpers. We had a great few days together, despite the rainy Scotland weather, and now all my pictures from their visit magically look like a story album. Thank you Google’s new story feature!

A few links:

I was first introduced to the idea of microadventures last year by Alastair Humphreys, but I think we’ve been having them for a long time at the Chino House. If you fancy taking the time and space you have available to experience the world around you, and you take photos/write about it, you can share your story with Alastair & Maptia and maybe even win a prize.

Also, my favorite walking company has a great post about Microadventures.

Comfort food for when the rains return.

I’ve followed photographer Tara Whitney for many years. Loving her new brand/website launch this week!

I read Simon Armitage’s narrative of walking the Pennine Way last week, Walking Home. It was perfect!

Well, this is super clever.

I appreciate this reminder that mornings can be lovely.

I hope your weekend is amazing + full of love!



1 Comment

  1. My friend, once again you’ve gathered in one place so many delicious things (including the coconut cookie recipe) that make me sit here reading when I should be doing other, “more important” things. Love the microadventure idea!

    And “lovely morning peace” and “enjoy the space” are great phrases to remind me why I love mornings so much – thanks!

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