Crathes Castle Gardens, In The Pipeline

In The Pipeline: One Month in Scotland!

Crathes Castle Gardens, In The Pipeline

I realized this week that we have already been here in Scotland for a month.

In so many ways, it still seems like we’ve just arrived.

But then I look at all we’ve seen already and think it must be longer.  We’ve seen castles and and forests and we even rode a train to Edinburgh!

However, I still have to make peace with European appliances.

Or the lack thereof.

I will not be bested by you Tiny Oven! 

And, Clothes, you will one day be dry!

Also, I am not going to even touch the nonsense that has been The Adventures Of Trying To Buy A Car.

But I am soaking up the green, the bits of sunshine and the sounds on the streets.  I am enjoying my walks to and from school with Simon.  And I am always, always, planning the next adventure.

Speaking of which, I am headed to Dublin for TBEX, a travel blogging conference.  I am super excited and would be most honored if you would follow along via Instagram and Twitter.  Before the conference begins, I will be touring Northwest Ireland with several other bloggers.  I feel for certain that the scenery in this part of Ireland is going to be breathtaking!

A few links for your weekend:

A long time ago I talked about how much I love Icebreaker shirts for traveling.  (I’ll be sporting mine this week for sures!)  Well, here’s an Icebreaker shirt giveaway if you want to enter to win one for yourself!

2013 is flying by, but don’t worry, there is still time to accomplish a dream or two.  Sarah of Yes and Yes is telling us how! (PS. If you take her challenge, I would LOVE to hear what your one, two or three things are in the comments or send me an email and we can hold each other accountable!)

Awesome Way To Celebrate Your Birthday? Three cheers for generosity!

While doing loads of travel research, I came across this fun collection of Surprisingly Affordable European Cities. Putting them on the list.

If you’re in the Little Rock area, this guide to pumpkin patches kind of made me wish I was spending October in Arkansas.  I’ve been informed that pumpkin is not really a part of the British diet.  In fact there are special stores Americans go to for imported canned pumpkin!

Hope you have a lovely weekend and that you have an adventure of your own!



  1. I’m right there with you in planning the next adventure. There’s so much fun in the planning! Your travel blogging conference sounds great!! I’ll be following along on Instagram and Twitter…I’ve never ventured into Twitter, but I think now would be the perfect time to start! Thanks for all the links!!!

    1. I’m so proud you’ve ventured out into the Twitterverse! And I can’t wait to hear all about the adventure you plan next! 🙂

  2. Have a great time in Ireland. Such a beautiful place. I’ve enjoyed your photos on Instagram thus far.

    1. Thanks so much!!

  3. Love your comment – “And, Clothes, you will one day be dry!” Very much reminds me of when I lived in Scotland and adjusting to not having a clothes dryer. I assume you don’t have one either? It was bad enough for the two of us – I can’t begin to imagine what it must be like with kids! By the way, you have great pictures in your blog. They really show how beautiful Scotland is.
    Cheers – Ellen

    1. Thanks so much Ellen! I don’t have a dryer and there are days when I promise you it’s the most oppressive thing about living here. Hanging out the laundry in the sun and then all of a sudden it’s raining and I have to go bring it all in wet and wash it again… Pretty funny! It is INSANELY beautiful here though. 🙂

      Thanks for popping by!

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