Pride and Prejudice, Board Book, Baby Gifts, Souvenirs From England, Jane Austen Board Book

Jane Austen Board Book

Pride and Prejudice, Board Book, Baby Gifts, Souvenirs From England,

Pride and Prejudice for Wee Ones!

Friends!  We’ve discovered the most adorable series of board books based on English classics.

Pride and Prejudice will always be one of my very favorite stories! We watched the 1995 BBC version recently and I fell in love all over again.

Mother and I found this darling book in Waterstone’s and we couldn’t believe how adorable it was!

It’s a counting primer!

Pride and Prejudice, Board Book, Baby Gifts, Souvenirs From England, Jane Austen Board Book

I can’t decide if number 2 or number 3 is my favorite! (favourite?)

Pride and Prejudice, Board Book, Baby Gifts, Souvenirs From England, Jane Austen Board Book

If you’re as charmed as me by a board book based on Jane Austen’s classic, then you should check out the whole seriesMoby Dick for a baby boy?  Yes, please!





  1. Love, love, love! I must get one for my niece.

    1. I know, right? That was my feeling exactly!

  2. Adorable! I remember watching Pride & Pred at your first little apartment in Chicago. You taped it for me to watch while you were at work during my visit! I’ve been in love with it ever since. David and I were watching it recently too. (he won’t admit being as fascinated as I am. 🙂

    1. SUCH great memories!

      Funny thing is our apartment here is not much bigger than that tiny little thing!

  3. I love the little board book! So cute and such a good way to introduce classics to children! Thanks for sharing.

    1. For sure! It’s so cute, right??

  4. I love this idea! I’ll be checking out the series pronto. Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. I just knew you would think them as cute as I do, June!

  5. Very cute. The gentlemen look like members of the Beatles

    1. Right? That’s pretty much exactly how I picture them. Page 4 is Four Wedding Proposals. LOVE!

  6. Okay, now THIS is the best find! So glad you shared. I’ve gotta stock up for gifts.

    1. So glad you agree with me! Miss you BTW! 🙂

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