My grandmother and Simon are both Junebugs. They turned 6 and 89 last week, so they shared a birthday cake at Sunday lunch at my parents.
We partied all day on Sunday because we were also saying Goodbye to our exchange student, Vitara, who began her long journey back to Indonesia yesterday.
My grandmother played bridge for about 3 hours yesterday and then had to leave the game early because of some indigestion that actually turned out to be chest pains.
Today she’s in the hospital recovering from a heart attack.
It’s been a crazy few days with lots of emotional highs and lows!
And only God knows what tomorrow will bring. Thank goodness He does.
Still, so grateful for so much…
all God taught me through having another daughter this year
Simon growing up
Grandmother and Simon sharing a birthday lunch
my mom and Whitney filling in the blanks for me
sweet goodbyes (so much love from our community poured out for Tara)
Mary Polly weighing Tara’s suitcase about 30 times while packing her up
Taido’s leading us as we shared favorite memories from our year with Tara
hearing my kids pray for Tara before we sent her off, sweet prayers
planted seeds
swimming at a friend’s house
going to free Chik Fil A night in our swimsuits
late night prayers
sleeping in
Good Eats (free breakfast and lunch at church for anyone 18 and younger!)
a friend taking all my crazy boys to the pool so I could go to the hospital (provision!)
Grandmother’s birthday. Her precious life, hanging on strong, even after a heart attack.
Grandmother making me laugh, trying to get me to take home the banana she saved from her hospital tray. (It’s a perfectly good banana!)
AAA (free towing of cars that won’t start)
two cars in the shop this month seeming like not such a big deal after hearing what another dear friend is experiencing (perspective)
Ben getting out seven plates for dinner
hearing encouraging reconciliation stories from a friend
Settlers of Catan
summer nights
Hugs and prayers for your grandma.