simple spring greens

Simple Spring Greens

simple spring greens

Several different bunches of spring greens have found their way into my kitchen in the past week or so and I have now twice made this very simple dinner that with a slice of cornbread will fill your tummy for very little money.  Especially if your greens are from a friend’s garden.  We got Swiss chard and kale in our CSA (community supported agriculture) basket this month, and then I got turnip greens from a friend over the weekend.  The kids even ate this dinner, mostly because of the garlicky chicken broth I’m sure.  We’re trying to eat a little simpler this week and in addition to being easy on the pocketbook, this dish fits the into the all-in-one-pot category.

I don’t cook any vegetables until their overly soggy, and greens are no exception.  I like them to still have a little crunch to them.  Also, I used olive oil and chicken broth instead of rendered bacon grease and pork.  So much healthier.  You can cook them longer if you prefer a more traditionally Southern green.

Simple Spring Greens


2 bunches spring greens, torn or chopped into 1-2 inch pieces

8-10 cups chicken broth

5-10 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

2 tablespoons lemon juice

salt and pepper to taste

5-6 eggs (optional)

Heat olive oil in large Dutch oven.  Add garlic and cook for about 3 minutes.  Add greens, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and chicken broth.  Bring to a boil.  Turn down heat and allow to simmer 30 minutes (or until greens reach desired tenderness).  Salt and pepper to taste.

Return soup to a boil and crack eggs seperately into pot.  Cover pot and cook 5 minutes.  Yolks will be soft-boiled.  Cook longer for hard-boiled yolks.  As you ladle soup into bowls distribute one egg to each serving. (We only did five eggs because Mary Polly doesn’t eat them, but the eggs don’t spread until you break them up with your spoon so it was easy to keep hers sans egg.)


  1. i’m pretty sure the picture doesn’t do it justice. this dish (like all prepared at chino house) is outstanding. as my youthies might say, “alison runs this.”

  2. I agree with your hubby. Anything you make is awesome! 🙂
    If I could get my kids to eat anything green, or orange, or anything other than white I would be doing wonders….

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