Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

Snapshots of Germany in the Fall

Walking through Autumn in Southern Germany (Baden-Württemberg)

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

Y’all, the autumn was so beautiful in the little town we lived in last year.

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

In the morning, you would walk to town and the hills would have a Scotland-like mist over them,

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

but the afternoons were usually gorgeous blue skies

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

and incredible color.

Konstanz, Lake Constance, Bodensee, Germany, Deutschland

I walked in the woods almost every single day.

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

That seems crazy long ago now.

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

Crazy far away.

Germany in the Fall, Deutschland in Autumn, Tübingen

All last fall, I collected bright colored leaves.

Walking in Late October in Germany

I took photos on the blue days and the gray days and all the days in-between.

Tubingen, Germany in the Fall

And I’m so glad I did!


I know Tübingen is covered in color again now, as are lots of corners of the world, but we are not seeing much fall color this year so far.

Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen, Hiking with Ben in Germany

I always have trouble choosing a favorite season,

Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen, Late Autumn Hiking in Germany

but the colors of autumn make it one of my favorite times of the year to be outside.

Late October in Tübingen, Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen,

If you’re ever looking for a dreamy place to spend autumn,

German Larch Tree, Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen,

I highly recommend southern Germany.

Fall Hiking in Germany, Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen,

It rivals New England and other classic fall destinations for sure.

Early November in Germany, Snapshots of Fall in Germany, Autumn, Deutschland, Tubingen,

And if you go to Tübingen,

Autumn in Germany

be sure to wander through the Schonbuch, a nature park and forest near and dear to our hearts.


  1. Beautiful. Thanks Alison.

  2. What amazing photos capturing wonderful memories! I don’t think I’ve ever seen more beautiful golds!

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