SWCP Beer to Sidmouth 3

A Walk on the South West Coastal Path

Walking the Jurassic Coast from Lyme Regis to Exmouth on the South West Coastal Path in England Recently we had the happy occurrence of my brother and nephew coming to visit while Taido and Simon were off for Easter Holidays. Visitors don’t always coincide with time off from school for the rest of us, so …

Siena, Italy, Tuscany

Snapshots of Siena, Italy

Snapshots of Rainy Siena, Italy: A Few Days in the Heart of Tuscany It’s been three years since I wandered a hilltown in Italy by myself. My trip to Orvieto and Assisi was well before I watched with the rest of the world as Italy was ravaged by a pandemic, a memory that is clearly …

Lake District in the Fall, Family Hiking in The Lake District

Saying Yes To Walking

The first time I visited the Lake District with my family, it rained for almost all of the three days we were there, and I still drove away madly in love and scheming about when I could get back.  The bright green, grass-covered trails and lakes surrounded by autumn colors left me wanting more, despite …

Cotswolds Castle Combe Circular Walk

A Walk in the Cotswolds: Castle Combe Circular

Castle Combe Circular Walk Our First Walk In The Cotswolds!! As we walked from the car park into Castle Combe early on a Saturday morning, I turned to Taido and said: This is the exact moment I have been anticipating since we decided we were moving back to England.    I’ve been stalking photos of …


Snapshots of Bristol

One Month in Bristol, England We moved to Bristol on December 31st, our 27th wedding anniversary.  So we have been here for about a month now, which is not really that long, but we have unpacked our stuff and we’ve purchased some second hand furniture. Our house feels less like a sparsely furnished airbnb and …

In Bristol at Trinity College, 2021 Favorites

2021 Favorites

2021 Favorites Happy New Year from our new home! We ended 2021 by moving back to the UK. It’s been a bit of a flurry, but now we are in our new home in Bristol, quarantining and waiting for our shipment of stuff to arrive. Our house is currently empty except for a couple of …

white bean chili

White Bean Chili

White Bean Chili Between daylight savings and colder temperatures arriving, it’s SOUP season at our house. We have had soup for dinner every night this week I think. Tomato and Potato Cheddar Soup. French Peasant Soup, Winter Veggie Curry. Last night I made a White Bean Chili that I have made often in the last …

Ouachita Trail in Winter

Hiking The Ouachita Trail in Winter

Hiking The Ouachita Trail in Winter or The Hardest Hike I’ve Ever Done The three weeks I hiked on the Camino in September was the longest distance I have ever hiked at one time…266 miles. But it was for sure not the hardest hike I have ever done. Hiking the Coast to Coast across England …

23Camino O Pedrouzo to Santiago

The Camino Will Always Be With You

The Camino Will Always Be With You It’s normal to have post Camino blues. Coming home from any grand adventure is a big mix of feelings. I found myself both glad to be home and constantly missing the trail. And of course, I missed my trail sisters! I wrote them a letter a few days …

4Camino Arzua to O Pedrouzo

Camino de Santiago Day 6: Arzua to O Pedrouzo

Camino de Santiago Day 6: Arzua to O Pedrouzo Fifth Day of Walking the Last 100 km to Santiago 19.5 kilometers 12 miles Elevation:  382.12 meters up +   473.69 meters down Earth is crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God, But only she who sees takes off her shoes. -Elizabeth Barrett …