Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Snapshots of Engelberg

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Well, my month of posting about Switzerland has come to an end, and next week I will be turning the page on the summer and begin sharing all the fun from my latest adventure of walking Wainwright’s Coast to Coast Trail with my friend, Diane.

But my memories of Switzerland would not be complete without these images of the gorgeous house where we stayed and its surroundings. We spent hours and hours enjoying this space, inside and out, and these photos will always conjure up for me memories of cool, calm mountain summer mornings and evenings.

I imagine that for many years to come, Engelberg will be the happy place I go to in my head when life gets too stressful. And in case I forget, I can always come back to these Snapshots of Engelberg to remember.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Peaches and oatmeal on the porch.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

The pond out back.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

And the way the sunshine made the trees sparkle in the water.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Sunny morning yoga on the tile patio.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Beautiful in the clouds.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

And beautiful on blue sky days.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Walking to town.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Picnics in the park.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Going to the local abbey to buy cheese and bread.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

Hearing the abbey bells.

Snapshots of Engelberg, Switzerland, Europe

And of course, the train station. The train whistle and the abbey bells kept time for us every day as the hours of summer slowly slipped by. Engelberg, I’m holding you close.


  1. What a beautiful and peaceful-looking little town!

    1. So peaceful Reeta! SUCH a dreamy spot! 🙂

  2. What a beautiful place! Your photos make me want to pack up and head to Switzerland for a few weeks!

    1. YES! It was really not ever even “on my list” before this summer. Now I dream of going back on the daily. 🙂

    1. YES! It was. Trying to remember that as the crush of autumn busy-ness comes. 🙂

  3. Looks like it was a beautiful place to stay!!

    1. SO very lovely. Super thankful still for the gift of being there!

  4. Oh wow. I love that first shot. Beautiful.

    1. Thanks so much. Switzerland is madly photogenic!

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