Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, Devotional books for children, family devotions, sally lloyd jones, jago

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing

Have you seen this precious new book from the author/illustrator duo, Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago?  A few years ago, they brought the world The Jesus Storybook Bible, which is my most favorite children’s Bible ever.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, Devotional books for children, family devotions, sally lloyd jones, jago

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing is already a treasure at our house.  It is a beautiful devotional book for children.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, Devotional books for children, family devotions, sally lloyd jones, jago

We are using it in the mornings for family devotions.  They are the perfect length (short) and are full of sweet thoughts to turn little (and big) hearts towards God for the day.

Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing, Devotional books for children, family devotions, sally lloyd jones, jago

I love having a new book for devotions for a new year.  Do you have a book you love to read with your children in the mornings?