Showing 10 Result(s)
A Story about My Mother

A Story about My Mother

She made me a scarf at Christmas. Crocheted by her little hands, the same hands my grandmother had and that I have. Sky blue cozy yarn. To match my eyes and to keep me warm. All through the long cold Scottish winter. I wore it double wrapped around my neck for all of January and …

A Story about A Cookie

A Story about A Cookie

Welcome to the first story of Twelve Days of Stories. Since it is Christmas Eve, I have a really happy, sweet story for you. (I am trying to make up for tomorrow’s sad story by making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside today.)

Deep Dish Apple Pie

Pie is probably the most necessary part of Thanksgiving to me. Mother used to make 3 apple pies, 2 blackberry pies and 1 pumpkin pie for the big crowd at our Castle Bluff Thanksgiving gathering. We would leave straight from school and the van would be all packed with pies and food.  One year I …

45 Years Ago

This is part 3 of a fun anniversary shoot that Whitney did with my parents.  Here’s part 1 and part 2.  I am so incredibly grateful to Whitney for these precious pictures of my parents! My parents started dating at North Little Rock High during their senior year.  Daddy asked Mama to prom that spring …

cowboy boots and yellow, jeans and boots, baby boomers in love, baby boomers in boots, sixty somethings wearing cowboy boots, fifty somethings wearing cowboy boots

Boots in the Sun

This part 2 of my parents’ anniversary Boot Shoot with Whitney. Yesterday was Boots in the Rain, but we got rewarded for braving the rain with some amazing sunlight.  The kind that only comes after the rain. My parents are looking at Mary Polly who had wandered up the riverbank a little bit to play.  …

cowboy boots and umbrella, cowboy boots by the river

Boots in the Rain

  In August, my parents went to their 45th high school reunion and celebrated their 42nd anniversary. To mark these special events in their lives, I asked Whitney to take pictures of them.  We used to take a family picture every year growing up, but once we all flew the coop, my parents stopped having …

Celebrating Mama

We are celebrating Mama today because it is her birthday. But I am celebrating more than just that she was born today. I am giving thanks for the difference between last year and today. Last year at this time Mama was in a hospital, she weighed less than 100 pounds and was struggling to retain …

Mother’s Day and Marriage

for my mama… Every year on Mother’s Day I remember how grateful I am for my mama.  But this year I happen to be doing a lot of reading about marriage and I have to say that what I am most grateful for about my mom today is her undying commitment to my daddy. Recently …

family = home

Simon came home with fever yesterday so I had some time at home today. Today was a good day for cleaning out. I have been putting away winter and pulling out spring. I was happy to find a flowing spring skirt to put on since the spring sunshine is warming us up. Unearthing an old …

Thankful for Eagle Creek

I am so thankful for the house on Eagle Creek Road and for the couple that lives there. This year Taido and I have had many discussions about buying a bigger house.  We have even tried raising our house payment on our current house to see if we can afford a bigger house.  We can’t. …