Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland,

Walks in All Seasons along the River Don to the Persley Walled Garden

Persley Walled Garden + River Don = 87.5% of My Aberdeen Life

Near daily I have walked along the River Don.

It is the path to school. The path to town. The path to Tesco.

On long summer evenings I walk it after dinner and watch the sky change colors.

Persley Walled Garden Walk, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland

I know I will breathe easier and sleep better, so I slip out and wander down, letting the river and the wind take my thoughts.

Sometimes I listen to podcasts. Sometimes I listen to music.

Persley Walled Garden Walk, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland

Sometimes I just pray.

Some evenings or on Sunday afternoons, Taido walks it with me. We walk fast and process the day’s events in snippets of conversation.

Sometimes I get a text from my friend Joy. The river is halfway between us and we meet on the bridge to walk and pray.

I have smiled, sung, laughed, cried and fretted on these paths.

Bridge of Don Walk – 1 (1)

I have seen them in the rain.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I have walked them in snow and ice and in the bright sunshine.

I know what’s around the corner.

Persley Walled Garden Walk, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland

And how long it will take me to get there and back.

Persley Walled Garden, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland

I know exactly where to stop for a rest.

Persley Walled Garden, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland, Raspberries

I know where the raspberry and blackberry bushes grow, and when they will be in season.

I know where the only wisteria I have ever seen in Aberdeen grows in the spring.

Persley Walled Garden Walk – 1

And I know to increase my loops through the secret garden when it starts to come in more fully.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

And to reserve long afternoons for sitting on the benches with a notebook if the sun is out in the summer.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

But in winter, I still bundled up and walked these trails.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

On cold days, I still detoured now and then through these walls to the garden.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

The bare vines are placeholders for what I know will later bloom.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

I have photos to remind me that there will be flowers here again.

Persley Walled Garden Walk, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland

Lots of flowers.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

The crisp days will eventually melt away into softer seasons.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

The slanting sunlight will return.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

Simon and I first discovered the garden along this walk in late autumn.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

It was all yellow and green and just before winter.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

We ran around the loop and came back a few weeks later to sit on the benches with our fish and chips from a nearby “chippy.”

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

It’s become a familiar refuge. A hideaway.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland,

I know these trails when they are in bloom and the green growth is plentiful. But also I know them in the most scarce seasons when the sun seems stingy with its heat.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

When the leaves change colors and when they are all on the ground.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

I have walked and walked these paths. They are a part of an earned familiarity in Aberdeen that I will miss.

Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

But I know also that I will find new gardens and paths.

And when friends and family come to visit me in Germany,Persley Walled Garden, Aberdeen, Scotland, Day Trips from Aberdeen, River Don

I will show them my hidden corners and all the places I have found to wander when the sun comes out to play.

Persley Walled Garden Walk, River Don, Aberdeen, Scotland


So I’m saying goodbye to these weathered trails and making room on the little white benches in Persley Walled Garden for another family of wanderers to find and enjoy.


  1. Beautiful!

  2. Good luck! Thank you for sharing your walks – can’t wait to see where your feet will take you next!

  3. Photos and text take us along with you, and we look forward to more vicarious adeventures in Germany.

  4. Beautiful photos, there is something wonderful about taking the same walk so often and becoming aware of all the tiny changes and secrets of the place. Good luck with your move to Germany

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