Soaking it all in at Moss Mountain Farm

This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to visit Moss Mountain Farm.

P. Allen Smith and the Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board treated several Arkansas bloggers to a dreamy day of doing a few of my most favorite things:

walking, eating and storytelling.

I’m still soaking it all in.

soaking it all in, moss mountain farm, p. allen smith, bean to blog

I met lots of new friends, tasted new recipes, learned all about soybeans and filled my heart with farm stories.sleeping porch, moss mountain farm, p. allen smith, bean 2 blog, soaking it all in

I have a lot to share about this incredible day, so stay tuned!



aerial view of farm: P. Allen Smith website

Jerusalem, P. Allen Smith, me and Jim Carroll: Jerusalem Greer @ Jolly Goode Gal

bathtub: Stephanie McCratic @ Evolved Mommy

sleeping porch: Cara Wilkerson off the Bean2Blog Pinterest Board

Jerusalem and me: @Jerusalem Greer (instagram)




  1. So nice to meet you Alison! Glad you had a good time and thank you for coming out. – Mary Ellen

  2. Great post, Alison. I love the shot of you in the tub.

  3. I LOVE you in the tub. I wanted to get in, but I wasn’t brave enough 🙁

    1. Totally would not have done it if Jerusalem hadn’t prodded me. I need a little push to keep from always hanging back! Next time, I’ll make you do it! 🙂

  4. […] Arkansas Region 8. Alison Chino, Chino House, “Soaking it all in” 9. Ashley Ederington, The Ederington Family, “The Inaugural Bean2Blog Event” 10. Jerusalem […]

  5. […] is to go to the gym.  (I assume he doesn’t sleep in them.)  This was before I had gone to Bean2Blog and gotten my boots, so I was even more excited to try mine […]

  6. […] mentioned once or twice that this past spring I went to an event called Bean 2 Blog out at Moss Mountain Farm in […]

  7. […] you have a little trouble in the decorating department, I might have just the thing.  I had the most lovely opportunity to meet P. Allen Smith this year and he is definitely a natural when it comes to decorating for any […]

  8. […] on us in Poultryville, so we moved next to the house.  It did not matter that I had been on the Home Tour before, or even that I had been cooking in the kitchen the week before, I still sat in awe as Allen shared […]

  9. […] could not wait to get started on my post about Moss Mountain Farm, alternately titled: Look What I Got To Do Because I Am Such A Fabulous […]

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