Letters from Alison


Letters from Alison

In this day and age of email and texting, it is a rare but delightful occurrence to open your mailbox and find a handwritten letter waiting for you.

In this last year especially, I have rediscovered the joy of writing letters.

I’ve been sending lots more letters.

I mentioned briefly last week that I am starting a new writing project.

It’s called Letters from Alison.

Some of the letters are to myself, some are to my children. Some are to countries or places or people.

Some are letters I have actually written and sent and others just exist in this space.

Not unlike other writing projects I’ve done in the past (12 Days of Stories or 48 Walks), this project has been a little injection of creativity for me and has informed much of the free writing I’ve done recently.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to share a few of these letters on my website.

I hope that they will bring you a little joy or inspire you to write a letter or two of your own.

By way of introduction, here is a little gem my mama saved from 1984.

I wrote most of my letters back then at school.

I’m sorry for those who have grown up with texting because that they have missed the glorious old phase of life known as “passing notes.”

I passed many a note in my school days.

One day I wrote one to my mama, as she often stuck notes to me in my lunchbox.

I’m so glad she saved it.

Letters from Alison

PS. You can subscribe to my blog via email right here if you don’t want to miss any of the other letters.



  1. What a delightful treat I have to look forward to in my inbox! This is a wonderful idea, and your 1984 letter to your mom is priceless. 🙂 I’m eager to get the next one.

  2. This is so special, what a treat to have saved that letter for so long!!! Looking forward to this series!!!

  3. I’m so curious what was so different about what we were eating for lunch? Wasn’t it always freezer English muffin pizzas?

  4. That is the most precious school note I have ever read! I don’t ever remember writing my parents notes in school – only writing notes to other students and getting caught! I can sense the nervousness and sentiment in those little sweet words of yours! What did you make on the test? Do you remember?

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