Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Front Porch Picnic

I’m sorry if you don’t live in The South right now because we are having our two weeks of perfect weather. (I exaggerate, but we really only get a few weeks of spring before it becomes brutally hot!)

Since our family is on a Media Break (for Seven), we’ve been looking for different ways to spend our time together than in front of the TV or computer, so this week we had a Front Porch Picnic.

Our back deck is currently all ripped up, so we set up a hot dog picnic in our front yard.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Petit Jean Meats provided us with some of their big grillers for our picnic, which thrilled my children.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Taido grilled the hot dogs and corn inside the husks.

If you’ve never grilled corn this way, you must try it.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

You peel back the husks, remove the strings and then close the husks back around the corn.  Then you grill it for about 25 minutes, turning the corn a couple of times in the process.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

We couldn’t believe how sweet the corn was.  It seems early in the year for it to be so yummy and sweet!

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Cole ate four hot dogs, my friends.  I am not even kidding you.  I didn’t even get a picture of him with his food because he eats so fast.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Mary Polly’s plate.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

My plate. (wink)

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Ben’s plate.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

The weather really has been perfect for the last few days.  We sat outside for a long time after we finished eating.  Mary Polly and Ben took off on their bikes, and Simon played with his friend next door.  Taido and I even visited with our neighbors, which we don’t do nearly enough!

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

If you want to have a Front Porch Picnic of your own, I have posted before about how to have a Fancy Hot Dog Party with lots of topping ideas and pictures.

This time around, for toppings, we had sauerkraut, mustard, whole grain mustard, cheddar cheese, Petit Jean Meats Chili, guacamole and dill relish.

cole slaw, Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Cole Slaw with Bacon and Bleu Cheese

In addition to corn, we made Always Makes Me Happy Salad and a yummy cole slaw with bacon (also Petit Jean) and bleu cheese.

Front Porch Picnic, Hot Dog Party, Petit Jean Grillers, Grilled Corn, Cole Slaw

Happy Grilling Season, Friends!

I am a Blue Diamond Club member with Petit Jean Meats, which means they send me products to try and share with you.  I received the three packages of grillers for our Front Porch Picnic, but all opinions are my own, of course.  If you live in the area, and you don’t want to fix your own hot dog, you can head to the baseball field (Dickey-Stephens) because they are serving Petit Jean Grillers up out there this summer at the Travelers games!  For more information about Petit Jean Meats, you can sign up for their newsletter.



  1. Yummer! We haven’t moved the grill from the other house yet and it’s killing me!

  2. […] We are enjoying Radio Silence at our house, so we had a Front Porch Picnic. […]

  3. […] « Front Porch Picnic In The Pipeline » […]

  4. […] Fancy Hot Dog Party or a Front Porch Hot Dog Picnic. […]

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