Cotswolds Windrush Way

A Walk in The Cotswolds: Windrush and Great Barrington Circular

A Hike from Windrush to Great Barrington and Sherborne and back again to Windrush.

Another beautiful loop walk in the Cotswolds!

Cotswolds Windrush Way

As you might imagine, we went back to the Cotswolds for more hiking just as soon as possible.

This time, we hiked out of a tiny little village called Windrush.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

We parked along a lane in the village and then hiked right up to the church before swinging left and out of the small town.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

We passed several quaint little farms, surrounded by rock walls, sheep and sweeping fields.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

Seriously, I could do this every weekend.

The English countryside is just lovely!

Cotswolds Windrush Way

We walked in a bit of rain and a lot of wind, but nothing that was too terrible.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

We even stopped for a picnic lunch this time. Tuna sandwiches and crisps.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

And tea of course!!

Cheers to a thermos of hot tea on a cold walk!

Cotswolds Windrush Way

The trail back to Windrush alternated between crossing more fields and winding through forest lanes.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

The list of Cotswold villages that I want to see grows with every sign we pass.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

The wind blew enough that we had some patches of blue sky here and there. It’s funny. I often remember a walk or a day as completely cloudy, but then later I look at my photos and see that we did get some sunshine and blue sky. The weather changes so quickly that you do get a little bit of everything.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

There are fields of deer in Barrington Park, and apparently there have been since the 18th century.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

This loop ended up being about 6 miles total.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

A perfect day out walking.

Cotswolds Windrush Way

After we finish hiking, we usually take off our muddy boots and put them in the trunk, which is also called the boot over here. So…boots in the boot!

Cotswolds Windrush Way

It started raining harder on our way home. It’s always super satisfying to finish a walk before the heavy rain sets in. I took my tired legs back home and curled up with a book by the fire for the rest of the afternoon.


Here’s the Alltrails map of this walk in case you want to go.