Happy New Year, friends!!
The sun came out today for the first time since Christmas. It was short-lived but glorious after days and days of rain.
I walked one of my usual routes near the River Don just to see how much of it was flooded.
Our little pedestrian bridge was closed because the water underneath it is so high. Crazytown.
More than once I reached places I had to turn around.
It was good to be outside without having to fight crazy wind and rain for a change.
We have moved quietly into the new year at our house. School is back in session.
Cole caught a plane to America to blaze a new trail there. He came back to Scotland last August, but it’s safe to say that he never had his heart in it.
If he’d waited a few more hours to leave, he would have had to contend with a closed airport due to flooding, so I was grateful he made it out when he did.
Even if I’m a bit sad for him to be gone again.
I’m just letting the river wash all that sadness away though.
And trying to keep walking forward into 2016.
Even if I don’t know exactly where I’m walking.
I know I may continue to reach bends in the road where the path is blocked or the water is rising too high, but that’s ok.
Who knows what I might find along the way?
Here are a few little links I’ve been collecting from around the internet:
More flooding in the Shire.
My niece really wishes I had read this before she came to Scotland as she is all about Outlander.
Refugees from Burundi. 🙁
Loved this short film made by someone who went to see what was happening with refugees.
I’m listening to No Man’s Land on audio after hearing Aasif Mandvi on Livewire (my current podcast obsession). The book is hysterical.
Also, Taido released his 2015 favorites mix-tape. In case you’re into that sort of thing.
Here’s a guide for writing a manifesto for the new year.
I hope your 2015 finished with a bang. I’ve been going through photos so I’m planning to do a few photo essays on the blog in January of things I have missed here and there.
It’s a good weekend for staying in, drinking tea and writing. I might even take down the Christmas tree. 🙂